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Weekly Bulletin December 27th

Weekly Bulletin December 27th

Posted in Epiphany / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Christmas Day Bulletin December 25th

Christmas Day Bulletin December 25th

Posted in Christmas / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin / Special Service

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Christmas Eve Bulletin December 24th

Christmas Eve Bulletin December 24th

Posted in Christmas Eve / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin / Special Service

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Here is the Servant of the Lord /Luke 1:26-38 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Fourth Sunday in Advent December 20th 2020 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Here is the Servant of the Lord /Luke 1:26-38 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Fourth Sunday in Advent December 20th 2020 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  Text: Luke 1:26-38 Theme: “Here is the Servant of the Lord”___________________________ Intr – What about hearing at the beginning of this year: “You will have more time to stay home”. For many people it would be news long awaited. Life is in such a hurry that for many families having more...

Weekly Bulletin December 20th

Weekly Bulletin December 20th

Posted in Advent / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Kim Kreis Funeral Sermon - John 10:25, 27-30 December 16th 2020 / The Father's Love

Kim Kreis Funeral Sermon - John 10:25, 27-30 December 16th 2020 / The Father's Love

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Wednesday December 16th 2020: Season of Advent / John 10:25, 27–30 "Love of the Father" Jesus said, “The works that I do in My Father’s name bear witness about Me, … My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I give them...

Gaudete Always! / 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday December 13th 2020 / Advent 3 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Gaudete Always! / 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday December 13th 2020 / Advent 3 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Posted in Advent / 2020 / Audio Sermons / Sermons / Pastor Ted Giese / Suffering / Hope

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday December 13th 2020: Season of Advent / 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 "Gaudete Always!" Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do...

Wedding Sermon / Chris & Sandra Hildebrand / Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 - Pastor Ted Giese / Mount Olive Lutheran Church - December 12th 2020

Wedding Sermon / Chris & Sandra Hildebrand / Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 - Pastor Ted Giese / Mount Olive Lutheran Church - December 12th 2020

Wedding Sermon / Chris & Sandra Hildebrand / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday December 12th 2020: Season of Advent / Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 "Lifted up in Love" Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up...

Weekly Bulletin December 13th

Weekly Bulletin December 13th

Posted in Advent / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

The Lord Jesus Revealed by John / Mark 1:1-8 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday December 6th 2020 / Advent 2 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

The Lord Jesus Revealed by John / Mark 1:1-8 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday December 6th 2020 / Advent 2 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Posted in Advent / 2020 / ^Mark / Sermons / Pastor Ted Giese / Baptism

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Mark 1:1-8 / Adent 2 - December 6th 2020 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.           As it is written in Isaiah the prophet,           “Behold, I send My messenger before your face,                    who will...

Weekly Bulletin December 6th

Weekly Bulletin December 6th

Posted in Advent / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Weekly Bulletin November 29th

Weekly Bulletin November 29th

Posted in 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Advent and the Celebration of Christmas Mount Olive Lutheran Church 2020

Advent and the Celebration of Christmas Mount Olive Lutheran Church 2020

Posted in Christmas / Advent / 2020 / News

Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord, As of November 25th we have been provided further direction from the Province and the Health Authority mandating a reduction of our building capacity from 1/3rd capacity to 30 people plus those who facilitate the Service. This will be in place...

Gordon Wills Funeral Sermon - Romans 8:18–39 November 23rd 2020 / Together in Christ Jesus

Gordon Wills Funeral Sermon - Romans 8:18–39 November 23rd 2020 / Together in Christ Jesus

Gordon Wills Funeral Sermon Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Monday November 23rd 2020: Season of Pentecost / Romans 8:18–39 "Together in Christ Jesus" For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to...

What Ends and What Continues in the End / Matthew 25:31–46 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 22nd 2020 / Last Sunday of the Church Year / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

What Ends and What Continues in the End / Matthew 25:31–46 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 22nd 2020 / Last Sunday of the Church Year / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 22nd 2020: Last Sunday of the Church Year / Matthew 25:31–46 "What Ends and What Continues in the End" “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. Before Him...

Weekly Bulletin November 22nd

Weekly Bulletin November 22nd

Posted in 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Encouraging with The Teaching, II / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 15th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Encouraging with The Teaching, II / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 15th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11Theme: Encouraging with the Teaching - II ___________________________ Intr – Last week we talked about encouraging people, and we heard that Paul encourages the Thessalonians by teaching doctrine. That is, knowing the Word of God is great encouragement to our faith....

Weekly Bulletin November 15th

Weekly Bulletin November 15th

Posted in 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Encouraging with The Teaching, I /Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 8th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Encouraging with The Teaching, I /Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 8th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18Theme: Encouraging with Teaching - I ___________________________ Intr – How do you encourage people in your daily life? Words, cards, phone calls are options. Sometimes even by not saying a word but just being there for them.          Paul is encouraging Christians...

COVID-19 Update - November 6th, 2020

COVID-19 Update - November 6th, 2020

Posted in 2020 / Church Properties

November 6th,2020 Dear ones, the latest in the Provincial guidelines has made masks mandatory in all public spaces including churches as of Friday. Now instead of only wearing masks for singing, they will be required for the entire time you are inside the building. So If you are coming to...