Blogs / The Bible / ^2 Thessolonians

^2 Thessolonians

“There is no God (besides Me)" / Isaiah 45; Psalm 96; 1Thessalonians 1; Matthew 22 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht/ Sunday October 18th 2020 / Season of Pentecost

“There is no God (besides Me)" / Isaiah 45; Psalm 96; 1Thessalonians 1; Matthew 22 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht/ Sunday October 18th 2020 / Season of Pentecost

Text: Isaiah 45; Psalm 96; 1Thessalonians 1; Matthew 22Theme: There is no God (beside me)___________________________ Intr – I want to share with you an episode that happened with me. The other day I was driving my car on Scarth Street and being it around 5:00PM, the sun was straight into my eyes....