About Us
Mount Olive is A Member Congregation of Lutheran Church-Canada

Construction of a 10,000 square foot addition began in spring of 1989. it was carried out almost in its entirety by volunteers from the congregation, and on January 14th, 1990, the renovated building was dedicated to the glory of God.
Our Mission
“Proclaiming the Gospel and equipping God’s people.”
Proclaiming the Gospel by:
Equipping people by:
† Teaching God’s Word
† Encouraging people to use their spiritual gifts in service to
God and others.
† Building a strong worship and faith community
Our Foundational Values
Biblical & Confessional Grounding
† All of our efforts are firmly grounded in God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions.
Witnessing & Outreach
† We believe that local outreach and world missions is the primary purpose of the church as outlined in the “great commission”
† We seek to incorporate people into the family of God.
Our Vision
Mount Olive Lutheran Church is a faith community in which all of God’s people:
† Worship and serve the Lord in harmony
† Minister to others
† Pray and learn together
† Bring others into a saving relationship with Christ
Openness to New Ideas
† We believe it is important to be relevant, learn from others and gather new ideas about what is successful in other church cultures.
Leadership Development
† We believe it is important to seek, develop and mentor both professional and lay leadership.
† We seek to foster and strengthen fellowship and develop a sense of community and family through caring and supportive relationships
† We believe it is important to bring groups together with shared interests and to foster acceptance of diversity between groups within our congregation.
Vibrant & Fulfilling (Passionate) Worship
† We believe that passionate worship is biblically sound, heart felt and expressed in a way that is meaningful for the individual.
† We are open to both contemporary and traditional worship styles.
Open Communication and Dialogue
† We will seek to establish and foster open communication within our congregation and create a safe and trusting environment where people are willing and able to express their ideas in a respectful manner.
† Our leadership will share information with the congregation, involve them in the decision making process, act on input received and provide needed follow up.
Needs Based Ministries
† We will seek to discover the needs of the groups we serve.
† Our services, programs and activities will be based on these identified needs.
Functional Facility
† We believe in faithful stewardship and maintenance of our facility for the purpose of enabling ministry. Our facility is a means to an end, not an end in itself.