Heaven & Hell
“The Children of God, Remembered” Mount Olive Lutheran Church All Saints Day (Observed) Sunday Sermon November 3rd, 2024 – 1 John 3:1–3
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Epistle Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 All Saints' Day (Nov. 1st) Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · “The Children of God, Remembered” All Saints Day Observed Sunday Sermon Nov 3, 2024 - 1 John 3:1–3 Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 3rd...
“More Than Foot and Hand and Eye” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Season of Pentecost Sunday Sermon September 29, 2024 – Mark 9:38–50
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Gospel Reading: Mark 9:38-50 Proper 21 (Sept. 25 - Oct. 1) Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · “More Than Foot and Hand and Eye” Sunday Sermon September 29, 2024 - Mark 9:38–50 Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Sunday September 29th 2024, Season...
“Authority over All Things” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sermon January 28th 2024 – Mark 1:21-28
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 28th 2024: Season of Epiphany / Mark 1:21-28 “Authority over All Things” And they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and was teaching. And they were astonished at His teaching, for...
William (Bill) Wendel Funeral Sermon – Matthew 28:16–20 January 20th 2024 / What is Life After Death Like?
William (Bill) Wendel Funeral Sermon - Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday January 20th 2024: Season of Epiphany / Matthew 28:16–20 "What is Life After Death Like?" Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when...
Oil in Your Lamp / Matthew 25:1–13 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 12th 2023 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday November 12th 2023: Season of Pentecost / Matthew 25:1–13 “Oil in Your Lamp” [Jesus says,] “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five...
The Invitation / Matthew 22:1-14 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday October 15th 2023 / The Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday October 15th 2023 / Season of Pentecost - Matthew 22:1-14 / The Invitation And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants...
Resting by carrying His yoke/ Matthew 11:25-30/ Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / July 9th, 2023/ Season of Pentecost
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Audio - 2023 - 07 - 09 Sermon Matthew 11:25-30Theme: “Resting by carrying His yoke”___________________________ Sermon outline. You can listen to the full sermon on the Website: www.mountolive.ca Intr – (carrying a suitcase). As you can see, I am...
He never sleeps / Psalm 121; John 3; Romans 4 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / March 5th, 2023/ Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Season of Lent
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Audio Sermon March 5, 2023 Text: Psalm 121; John 3:1-17; Romans 4:1-8Theme: He never sleeps __________________ Intr – Psalm 121 is on the lectionary for this Sunday, and that is where we learn that God never sleeps, nor slumbers. As this Psalm talks about a...
Victor Thalgott Funeral Sermon - Romans 8 / February 21st, 2023 / No Separation from the Love and Life in Christ
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Audio - 23 - 02 - 21 - Victor Thalgott Funeral Text: Romans 8Theme: “No separation from the Love of God in Jesus” ___________________________Intr – Dear family and friends, a funeral is a moment of separation. The Thalgott family and friends are now...
Mike Hort Funeral Sermon - Romans 8; John 14; Psalm 23 / November 15th 2022 / Fixed by Christ
Text: Romans 8; John 14Theme: Fixed by Christ ___________________________Intr – There’s a saying I heard many times in my life offered usually when people are facing hard times. “Be strong, for there is a solution for everything in life. The only thing there’s no solution for is death”. In...
Life before and after death - Matthew 5:1-12; 1 John 3; Revelation 7 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 6th, 2022 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon November 6, 2022 Text: Matthew 5:1-12; 1 John 3:1-3Theme: “Life before and after death”___________________________Intr – If you would make a list of forbidden topics for daily life conversations, where would you start? -politics?-other...
Preventing the fire / Luke 16:19-31 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday September 25th, 2022 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sermon Sept 25, 2022 - Mount Olive Lutheran Church Text: Luke 16:19-31Theme: Preventing the fire ___________________________Intr – (Boiled egg maker) This is a boiled egg maker that my wife decided to buy one of these days, as she noticed me consuming more...
You are a saint/ Matthew 5:1-12; Revelation 7:9-17 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht/ Sunday November 7th 2021 / All Saints Day Observed/ Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sermon Sunday November 7, 2021 Text: Matthew 5:1-12; Revelation 7:9-17Theme: You are a saint______________________ Intr – I remember the first time I heard that I am a saint. I was somewhere between 10 and 11yo and pastor de Azevedo was teaching...
Good taste / Mark 9:38-50 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday September 26th 2021 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon for September 26, 2021 SERMON NOTES Text: Mark 9:38-50Theme: Good taste______________________ Intr – (Pastor has entered the Service with different stoles over his robe) Dear friends in Christ in the Gospel today…what? Is there anything abnormal...
Erna Manz Graveside Service Sermon - John 11:25 / June 12th, 2021 / “Though you have losses, yet you shall still receive”
Text: John 11:25Theme: “Though you have losses, yet you shall still receive”____________________________ Intr – A funeral makes us think about loss. We lose someone we love, and grief and sadness might be our partners for the next so many days, months, or even years. And when we think about...
Creator, Redeemer, Comforter – "Sermon Series: Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing III" / Acts 2; John 3; Isaiah 6 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, May 30th 2021 / Holy Trinity Sunday
Text: Acts 2:22-36; John 3:15-17; Isaiah 6Theme: Creator, Redeemer, Comforter / Series: “Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing III”___________________________Intr – (blender). I’ll make a smoothie for us today. (Uses some weird ingredients). Would any of you be willing to taste it? I’m pretty sure...
Nicholas "Nick" Petz Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23, John 14 / May 26th, 2021 / Precious Cargo
Text: John 14/Psalm 23Theme: Precious Cargo___________________________Intr – For many years in his life Nick was a truck driver. Among many others beautiful gifts he received from God for his life walk – his family, his parents, his grandchildren, to name a few – he received that...
Not my problem – "Sermon Series: Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing II" / John 16:4-11 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, May 23rd 2021 / Pentecost Day
Text: John 15:26,27; 16:4-11Theme: “Not my Problem “– (Sermon Series: Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing II)___________________________Intr – There’s a meme online with a picture of a cat with some words like these “The path to peace of mind begins with these three words: Not my problem”....
Out of this World – "Sermon Series: Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing I" / John 17:11-19 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, May 16th 2021 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
SERMON NOTES Text: John 17:11-19Theme: Out of this World – Sermon Series: Believing, Proclaiming, Confessing I ___________________________Intr – There are many times in which we hear about something or someone that is “out of this world”. A spectacular gadget; an incredible sports player;...
Ascension - Looking into Earth /Acts 1.1-11; Luke 24.44-53; Ephesians 1:15-23 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Thursday, May 13th 2021 / Ascension Day/ Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Text: Acts 1.1-11; Luke 24.44-53; Ephesians 1:15-23 Theme: “Ascension - Looking into Earth” ___________________________ Intr – One of the questions that might occur to some on this day would be: why is Ascension a special date in the Church Calendar? Of course, it’s a fact, the one...