Give to Everyone / Luke 6:27–38 / Regional Pastor Rev. David Haberstock / Sunday February 23rd 2025 / Seventh Sunday of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Gospel Reading: Luke 6:27-38 (Epiphany 7) Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, February 23rd, 2025 Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Regional Pastor Rev. David Haberstock / Sunday February 23rd 2025: Season of Epiphany / Luke 6:27–38...
How’s Your Appetite? / Luke 6:17–26 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 16th 2025 / Sixth Sunday of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Gospel Reading: Luke 6:17-26 (Epiphany 6) Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sermon Feb 16 2025 Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 16th 2025: Season of Epiphany / Luke 6:17–26 “How’s Your Appetite?”...
"Holy Trinity - We see Him" / Jon 8:48-59/ Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, June 12th / Holy Trinity Sunday
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon, June 12, 2022 - Holy Trinity Sunday SERMON NOTES Text: John 8:48-59Theme: Holy Trinity - We see Him___________________________Intr – Have you ever wondered why Jesus - the beloved Master who we would think hardly any person could have...
“Discomfort, Intolerance and Peace” / John 20:19-31; Acts 5:12-32; Revelation 1:4-11 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, April 24th / Easter Season
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon April 24, 2022 SERMON NOTES (Listen to the audio for more) Text: John 20:19-31; Acts 5:12-32; Revelation 1:4-11Theme: “Discomfort, Intolerance and peace” ___________________________ Intr – A new poll shows that some Canadians now believe that...
In every circumstance / Luke 4:1-13 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, March 6th / Season of Lent
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon March 6, 2022 Text: Luke 4:1-11Theme: “In every circumstance”___________________________ Intr – Jesus is tempted in the desert after 40 days of fasting. Perhaps the Devil wanted to check how hungry He would be for certain human cravings. 1...
On liking and loving / Luke 6:27-36 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, February 20th, 2022 / Season of Epiphany
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon February 20, 2022 Text: Luke 6:27-36Theme: “On liking and loving”___________________________ Intr – *A mother or father that has to stay up from 2 to 3AM with their infant even when there’s an important meeting 8 in the morning at work...
On being open and closed / Luke 6:17-26 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, February 13th, 2022 / Season of Epiphany
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon February 13, 2022 SERMON NOTES (listen to the audio sermon for more) Text: Luke 6:17-26Theme: On being open and closed ___________________________Intr – Do you find sometimes yourself in that spot when you have to stand for biblical...
Pursue love / 1 Corinthians 13 and 14:1; Luke 4 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, January 30, 2022 / Season of Epiphany
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sermon Sunday January 30, 2022 Text: 1 Corinthians 13 and 14; Luke 4:31-44Theme: Pursue Love ___________________________Intr – As we drive Ring Road north passing by the Refinery skyline we see something very common over refineries and petrochemical facilities as...
Put on, clothe yourselves/ Colossians 3:12-17 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, December 26th, 2021 / Christmas Season
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sermon December 26, 2021 Clothing Yourself In Love SERMON NOTES (listen to the audio sermon for more) Text: Colossians 3:12-17Theme: “Put on, Clothe yourselves”___________________________ Intr – How is your usual routine every day before leaving...
Stones and Trees / Luke 3:1-14; Philippians 1 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday December 5th 2021 / Season of Advent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon December 5, 2021 Text: Luke 3.1-14Theme: “Stones and Trees”___________________________ Intr – It is and interesting exchange this one that happens between John the Baptist and the crowds who came to him to be baptized in the Jordan, before the...
All inclusive and all exclusive / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday May 9th 2021 / 6th Sunday of Easter / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Text: Acts 10:34-42; John 15:9-16; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-8Theme: “All inclusive and all exclusive” ___________________________ Intr – A friend of mine described the incident they once had in a resort in Punta Cana. It was an all inclusive resort, which means you pay a comprehensive fee where...
Changed forever/ John 1:1-14 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Christmas Day December 25th 2020 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Text: John 1:1-14 Theme: “Changed forever” ___________________________ Intr – Every year, as Christmas arrives, we may be caught trying to find something new, something different to write or to say on this date. The story is always the same though, and we may get stuck between repetition...
Here is the Servant of the Lord /Luke 1:26-38 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Fourth Sunday in Advent December 20th 2020 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Text: Luke 1:26-38 Theme: “Here is the Servant of the Lord”___________________________ Intr – What about hearing at the beginning of this year: “You will have more time to stay home”. For many people it would be news long awaited. Life is in such a hurry that for many families having more...
Encouraging with The Teaching, II / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 15th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11Theme: Encouraging with the Teaching - II ___________________________ Intr – Last week we talked about encouraging people, and we heard that Paul encourages the Thessalonians by teaching doctrine. That is, knowing the Word of God is great encouragement to our faith....
Encouraging with The Teaching, I /Sermon / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 8th 2020 - / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18Theme: Encouraging with Teaching - I ___________________________ Intr – How do you encourage people in your daily life? Words, cards, phone calls are options. Sometimes even by not saying a word but just being there for them. Paul is encouraging Christians...
Absurd generosity / Matthew 20:1-16 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 20th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Text: Matthew 20.1-16Theme: Absurd generosity___________________________Intr – Jesus’ parables always have elements of “absurdity”, something completely off the wall. Just as much as he likes to use parables to get his teaching across He would use hyperboles along with them. _The Lost sheep /...
"Blessed saints", Sermon / Matthew 5:1-12/ Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday November 3rd 2019 / Season Of Pentecost, All Saints Day Observed / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Text: Matthew 5:1-12Theme: “Blessed Saints”___________________________Intr – Saints: Who are they? _Saints in Heaven – Christians that departed in faith in Christ to be with the Lord. They are with Christ (Phil 1:21), praising the Lord (rev 7) and even shouting to Him “until when”...
"1 - One Shepherd" - Sermon Series: "Only One" / Luke 15:1-10 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 15th 2019 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
SERMON NOTESText: Luke 15:1-10Theme: “One Shepherd” - Series: Only One[1]___________________________Intr – On Luke’s Gospel today, Jesus introduces His parable with a question: “What men of you…?” I’ll introduce my sermon today with a question as well: what man or woman of you have ever won...
"Blessed are the Hungry" Sermon / Luke 6:17–26 / Pr. Ted Giese / Sunday February 17th 2019: Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 17th 2019: Season of Epiphany / Luke 6:17–26 "Blessed are the Hungry" And [Jesus] came down with them and stood on a level place, with a great crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem...
Sermon / Pr. Ted Giese / Sunday January 29th 2017 - / Matthew 5:1-12 / How do You Receive the Blessings of the Beatitudes?
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 29th 2017: Season of Epiphany/ Matthew 5:1-12 "How do You Receive the Blessings of the Beatitudes?" Seeing the crowds, [Jesus] went up on the mountain, and when He sat down, His disciples came to Him. And He opened His mouth...