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Virtue in the Wasteland

"God & Movies with Ted Giese" on Virtue in The Wasteland With Dr. Jeff Mallinson & Dr. Daniel van Voorhis

Giese, Mallinson & van Voorhis God & Movies - The Witch, God's Not Dead 2, Tree of Life - Ep. 171 God & Movies with Ted Giese To listen now click the green triangle below in this post.  Apologies for occasional audio glitches that resulted from the Skype feed. Apologies also for not having...

Pr. Ted Giese On Virtue in The Wasteland With Dr. Jeff Mallinson & Dr. Daniel van Voorhis

Giese, Mallinson & van Voorhis Talk Star Wars - The Force Awakens - Ep. 158 Spoiling Star Wars with Ted Giese To listen now click the red triangle below in this post. If you haven't listened to Virtue in the Wasteland, We encourage you to take some time and listen to a couple episodes it...