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(Un) Forgiveness/ Matthew 18:21-35 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 13th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

(Un) Forgiveness/ Matthew 18:21-35 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 13th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Text: Matthew 18.21-35Theme: (Un)Forgiveness___________________________Intr – There are diseases that sometimes are labeled as the "disease of the Century" for their high destructive power and high toll death, combined with a lack of a more effective treatment and cure for it at their time....

Weekly Bulletin September 13th

Weekly Bulletin September 13th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Yourself forgiven / Matthew 18:1-20 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 6th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Yourself forgiven / Matthew 18:1-20 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday September 6th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  Text: Matthew 18.1-20Theme: Yourself Forgiven___________________________Intr – Matthew chapter 18 has a strong emphasis on the forgiveness of sins. As we confess in the Apostle’s Creed, forgiveness of sins is “wrought in us through the Sacraments and Absolution and through all kinds...

Weekly Bulletin September 6th

Weekly Bulletin September 6th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

A Different Kind of Kingdom, a Different Kind of King / Matthew 16:21-28 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 30th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

A Different Kind of Kingdom, a Different Kind of King / Matthew 16:21-28 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 30th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 30th: Season of Pentecost / Matthew 16:21-28 “A Different Kind of Kingdom, a Different Kind of King” From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and...

Weekly Bulletin August 30th

Weekly Bulletin August 30th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

The Rock of Faith / Matthew 16:13–20 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 23rd 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

The Rock of Faith / Matthew 16:13–20 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 23rd 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 23rd 2020: Season of Pentecost / Matthew 16:13–20 "The Rock of Faith" Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they said, “Some say John...

Weekly Bulletin Aug 23rd

Weekly Bulletin Aug 23rd

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Mercy at the Table / Matthew 15:21-28 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 16th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Mercy at the Table / Matthew 15:21-28 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday August 16th 2020 / Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / ^Matthew / Sermons / Pastor Ted Giese / Faith / Exorcism

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sun August 16th 2020: Season of Pentecost / Matthew 15:21-28 "Mercy at the Table" And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, “Have mercy...

Weekly Bulletin August 16th

Weekly Bulletin August 16th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Against the fear of isolation / Matthew 14:22-33/ Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday August 9th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Against the fear of isolation / Matthew 14:22-33/ Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday August 9th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

    Text: Matthew 14:22-33Theme: Against the fear of isolation___________________________Intr – When we hit Matthew 14 in the lectionary, or in our personal Bible reading, we see the episode of the storm in the sea, and usually plenty of good illustrations and applications pour into our minds...

Weekly Bulletin August 9th

Weekly Bulletin August 9th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Weekly Bulletin August 2nd

Weekly Bulletin August 2nd

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Leslie Edward Kraft Funeral Sermon - 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 July 24th 2020 / At Rest in Christ

Leslie Edward Kraft Funeral Sermon - 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 July 24th 2020 / At Rest in Christ

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Friday July 24th 2020: Season of Pentecost / 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 "At Rest in Christ" But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we...

Weekly Bulletin July 26th

Weekly Bulletin July 26th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Distinguishing Wheat from Weeds / Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 19th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Distinguishing Wheat from Weeds / Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 19th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 19th 2020: Season of Pentecost / Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43 "Distinguishing Wheat from Weeds" [Jesus] put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but...

Weekly Bulletin July 19th

Weekly Bulletin July 19th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...

Greyhound (2020) By Aaron Schneider - Movie Review

Greyhound (2020) By Aaron Schneider - Movie Review

Greyhound (2020) Director: Aaron Schneider Writers: Tom Hanks (screenplay by), C.S. Forester (based on the novel "The Good Shepherd" by) Stars: Tom Hanks, Elisabeth Shue, Stephen Graham, Matt Helm, Rob Morgan Runtime: 91 min Rated: 14A (Canada) MPAA Rated PG-13 for war-related action/violence...

Cultivating Receptive Hearts / Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 12th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Cultivating Receptive Hearts / Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 12th 2020 / Season of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / ^Matthew / Audio Sermons / Sermons / Pastor Ted Giese / Grace

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Sunday July 12th 2020, The Season of Pentecost, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 “Cultivating Receptive Hearts” That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. And great crowds gathered about Him, so that He got into a boat and sat...

Weekly Bulletin July 12th

Weekly Bulletin July 12th

Posted in Pentecost / 2020 / Weekly Bulletin

COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin Click...