Pr. Ted Giese on The God Whisperers with Donofrio & Cwirla - Spooky Edition

Giese, Donofrio & Cwirla Talk About Film That Get Under Your Skin
Listen here for Pr. Ted Giese on The God Whisperers with Pastors Donofrio & Cwirla. To listen online now click the banner below.
If you haven't experienced The God Whisperers before, buckle up. This is a show that has been called disturbing yet compelling and is known for its digressions and love of all things bacon.
In this instalment Pastor Giese is the third mic guest and at about the 12 min mark Pastor Giese is introduced into the mix. After the mid-point break the conversation about frightening and disturbing movies starts. The conversation runs from The Stangers to The Rocky Horror Picture Show with a frightening revelation about Lutheran Pietism and 3 of the most creepy movies ever (Psycho, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre & The Silence of The Lambs).
There are 2 things to remember when listening to The God Whisperers 1) Don't binge listen 2) you get what you pay for. For more episodes click here.
The Strangers (2008) MPAA Rated R for violence/terror and language
Psycho (1960) MPAA Rated R
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) MPAA Rated R
The Silence of the Lambs (1991) MPAA Rated R
Rev. Ted Giese is associate pastor of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; a contributor to Reformation Rush Hour on KFUO AM Radio, The Canadian Lutheran and Reporter; and movie reviewer for the “Issues, Etc.” radio program. Follow Pastor Giese on Twitter @RevTedGiese