10 Movies That ... Deal With the Devil

Reformation Rush Hour
So you like movies? Here's a list of 10 movies that deal with the Devil. Listen to Pastors Ted Giese and Craig Donofrio talk about their picks on the Reformation Rush Hour program on KFUOam radio. 2 Top 5 movie lists go head to head!
Watch the film trailers for the 2 top 5 lists here and click here to listen to Donofrio and Giese's conversation about these films. The segment starts at 24 Minutes into the program (Pastor Walt Schneider starts off the programme talking about two Christians from History remembered by the Lutheran Church; first, one of Dr. Luther's students Nicolaus von Amsdorf 1483 - 1565A.D and then Erik IX (Erik Jedvardsson) who was king of Sweden 1156-1160A.D.)
Giese's List Of 5 Picks
5) Time Bandits (1981) Rated Parental Guidance PG
David Warner as Evil; He would later play the villain in TRON (1982) - In this scene Evil talks about his ideas concerning creation and the Supreme Being aka God.
4) End of Days (1999) Rated 18A/R (Restricted) for intense violence and gore, a strong sex scene and language
Gabriel Byrne as The Man/Satan goes up against Schwarzenegger.
3) Angel Heart (1987) Rated 18A/R (Restricted)
Robert De Niro as Mr. Louis Cyphre: Apparently Mickey Rourke is in the circle of trust and he doesn't even know it.
Honourable Mention: Crossroads (1986) Rated R (Restricted)
Robert Judd as Scratch/Papa Legba: A movie about a faustian deal with the devil.
2) Legend (1985) Rated Parental Guidance PG
Tim Curry as the Prince of Darkness; Your classic cloven hoof horned devil.
1) Needful Things (1993) Rated R (Restricted) for violence and strong language
Donofrio's List Of 5 Picks
5) The Passion of the Christ (2004) Rated R (Restricted) for sequences of graphic violence
Rosalinda Celentano as Satan; Creepy androgynous devil
4) The Usual Suspects (1995) Rated R (Restricted) for violence and a substantial amount of strong language
Kevin Spacey as Roger 'Verbal' Kint ... ? Could he be the devil?
3) Bedazzled (2000) Rated PG-13 for sex-related humour, language and some drug content
Elizabeth Hurley as The Devil complete with 7 wishes ... that sort of thing never goes well.
2) Devil's Advocate (1997) Rated R (Restricted) for sexuality, nudity, violence and language
Al Pacino as John Milton ... go figure the devil is super interested in the law.
1) Needful Things (1993) Rated R (Restricted) for violence and strong language
One more scene from Needful Things Leland Gaunt aka the Devil at work:
Max von Sydow as Leland Gaunt ... he's got what you want it'll just cost you your eternal soul.
House Keeping: There was a question in the show that came up as we talked about The Usual Suspects the same phrase in question also shows up in the Schwarzenegger movie End of Days - Who said "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." The Answer is the French poet Baudelaire 1821 - 1867, except of course he didn't say it in English he said it in French.
Also the Meme wasn't Schwarzenegger and Norris it was Norris and Stallone
For current movie reviews of films in the theatre right now by Pastor Ted Giese check out IssuesEtc.org,Where Christianity Meets Culture IssuesEtc!