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No Fear of the Fox / Luke 13:31-35 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday March 13th 2022 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday March 13th 2022: Season of Lent / Luke 13:31-35 “No Fear of the Fox” At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to Him, “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” And He said to them, “Go and tell that fox, ‘Behold, I cast...
Lorna Marie Kreutz Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23 March 12th 2022 / The LORD Is My Shepherd
Lorna Marie Kreutz Funeral Sermon / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday March 12th 2022: Season of Lent / Psalm 23 "The LORD Is My Shepherd" The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads...
Weekly Bulletin March 13th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Malcolm Floyd Bloos Funeral Sermon - John 20:19–31 March 11th 2022 / That you may believe
Malcolm Floyd Bloos Funeral Sermon / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Friday March 11th 2022: Season of Lent / John 20:19–31 "That you may believe" On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews,...
The Batman (2022) By Matt Reeves - Movie Review
The Batman 2022 Directed by: Matt Reeves Writers: Matt Reeves, Peter Craig, Bill Finger (Batman created by) Stars: Robert Pattinson, Zoë Kravitz, Jeffrey Wright, Colin Farrell, Paul Dano, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Peter Sarsgaard, Jayme Lawson, Rupert Penry-Jones Runtime: 175min...
His Pierced Side / Pr. Ted A. Giese preaching for Pr. Arron Gust / Wednesday March 9th 2022 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Tonight’s sermon is adapted from Lenten material provide by Rev. Mark D. Femmel, assistant pastor, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Des Peres, Missouri. Extensively reworked by Pr. Arron Gust of Grace Lutheran Church Regina this sermon was additionally adapted by Pr. Ted Giese of Mount Olive...
In every circumstance / Luke 4:1-13 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, March 6th / Season of Lent
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon March 6, 2022 Text: Luke 4:1-11Theme: “In every circumstance”___________________________ Intr – Jesus is tempted in the desert after 40 days of fasting. Perhaps the Devil wanted to check how hungry He would be for certain human cravings. 1...
Book Of The Month For March 2022: Eternal Anthems: The Story Behind Your Favorite Hymns
Eternal Anthems: The Story Behind Your Favorite Hymns by Concordia Publishing House 2022 / Paperback / 224 Pages Overview Have you wondered why our beloved hymns were written? What influenced the writers to craft these words that proclaim the Gospel? Learn more about the words you love to...
Weekly Bulletin March 6th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
His Humbled Head / Mark 15:16–20 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Wednesday March 2nd 2022 / Ash Wednesday / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Wednesday March 2nd 2022: Ash Wednesday / Mark 15:16–20 "His Humbled Head" And the soldiers led [Jesus] away inside the palace (that is, the governor’s headquarters), and they called together the whole battalion. And they clothed Him in a...
Glory and Vainglory / Luke 9:28–36 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 27th 2022 / Transfiguration Sunday / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 27th 2022: Transfiguration Sunday / Luke 9:28–36 "Glory and Vainglory" Now about eight days after these sayings [Jesus] took with Him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as He was praying,...
Weekly Bulletin February 27th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Covid-19 Update February 2022
Dear friends in Christ, Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord, As of March 1st 2022 the Saskatchewan Provincial Government ending covid-19 public health guidelines. While Mount Olive Lutheran Church is free to return to pre-Covid activities and practices as early as March 1st the...
On liking and loving / Luke 6:27-36 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, February 20th, 2022 / Season of Epiphany
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon February 20, 2022 Text: Luke 6:27-36Theme: “On liking and loving”___________________________ Intr – *A mother or father that has to stay up from 2 to 3AM with their infant even when there’s an important meeting 8 in the morning at work...
Weekly Bulletin February 20th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Death on the Nile (2022) By Kenneth Branagh - Movie Review
Death on the Nile (2022) Directed by: Kenneth Branagh Writers: Michael Green (screenplay by) Agatha Christie (based upon the novel by) Stars: Kenneth Branagh, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Emma Mackey, Rose Leslie, Annette Bening, Tom Bateman, Sophie Okonedo, Letitia Wright, Ali Fazal, Russell...
On being open and closed / Luke 6:17-26 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday, February 13th, 2022 / Season of Epiphany
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon February 13, 2022 SERMON NOTES (listen to the audio sermon for more) Text: Luke 6:17-26Theme: On being open and closed ___________________________Intr – Do you find sometimes yourself in that spot when you have to stand for biblical...
Weekly Bulletin February 13th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Forgiveness for Unclean Lips / Isaiah 6 & Luke 5:1–11 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 6th 2022 / Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 6th 2022: Season of Epiphany / Isaiah 6 & Luke 5:1–11 "Forgiveness for Unclean Lips" On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on [Jesus] to hear the word of God, He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, and He saw...
Weekly Bulletin February 6th
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...