“The Bread of Life that Comes to Us” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Season of Pentecost Sunday Sermon August 11, 2024 – John 6:35-41

Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Lowell Dennis, Emeritus / Sunday August 11th 2024: Season of Pentecost / John 6:35-51 “The Bread of Life that Comes to Us”
Dear Saints, today we continue hearing from Jesus in John chapter 6, this great “bread of life” discourse. In John’s Gospel there are 8 great “I AM” statements:
I am the bread of life
I am the light of the world
Before Abraham was, I am
I am the door
I am the good shepherd
I am the resurrection and the life
I am the way, the truth, and the life
I am the true vine
This is the first of those statements, and the one that Jesus spends the most time in the Gospel unpacking. These grand statements are far more than simple metaphors (figures of speech), though there are points of comparison to note.
When Jesus uses the image of bread – it’s quite intentional. Bread is the staff of life. It’s the most basic form of food and sustenance we humans know. We pray for daily bread in the Lord’s Prayer, meaning, all that we need to support this body and life. We work to put bread on the table, that is, to earn money and pay for all our family’s needs.
When Jesus claims Himself the title, “Bread of Life”, He’s doing far more than making a simple comparison. In a way, Jesus is more than bread itself. He is more universal. He is more basic and necessary. He is more of what we need to be sustained than any earthly bread. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. And Jesus Christ, the Bread from Heaven is the Word of God made flesh.
And there is contrast here, too. Earthly bread must be earned, but the Bread of Life from Heaven is a gift. Earthly bread may spoil, but this bread endures. Earthly bread may leave you hungry again soon, but the Bread of Life promises – you’ll never hunger or thirst again. Earthly bread – you can eat it, and die the next day. But the bread of life – you eat that and you’ll live forever, be raised on the Last Day.
In our Old Testament reading for today,[1] Elijah was facing death. He was under the threat of death from the wicked queen Jezebel. She called for his death, and fast, for he had beaten the false prophets of her false gods at Mt. Carmel. When their sacrifice was ignored, but Elijah’s sacrifice to the true God was consumed in fire from heaven – and Elijah had those 450 false prophets put to death, queen Jezebel would have her revenge, and put the word out that Elijah was at the top of her list. So he ran into the wilderness and found his refuge under a broom tree. And he was so exhausted from all this that he prayed to die. “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.”
But the angel of the Lord that appeared to him, appears to be a bit more than a mere created angel. Throughout the Old Testament this particular messenger of God is identified with God Himself – and appears to be a pre-incarnate Second Person of the Trinity. The Angel of the Lord who appeared to Moses and Abraham and Hagar and Gideon and so many others. The same Person who in some 800 years would take on human flesh and be born of a virgin. The same one who would proclaim Himself the Bread of Life.
The Bread of Life – we need this bread, for we too face death all day long. We try to push death out of the picture, relegate it to hospitals and nursing homes, dress it up with softer words like “passed away”.
Or better yet, just live in denial that each of us will one day face our last day. Plod through life like nothing’s wrong, that everything is peaches and cream, and everyone is and will be just fine. Well this just lets death sneak up on you, and hit you while you’re not looking. And sooner or later, it will happen. No one is immune.
No, none of these methods deal with death. They only seek to hide from it or make it less terrible. But make no mistake. Death and sin walk hand in hand. No matter what fig leaf we try to use to cover up the wages of our sin. It can’t be done. It’s too much for us.
We may not have a wicked Jezebel out for our head, but we do have a more wicked enemy who would take our life if he could. The devil’s schemes are never-ending, his temptations do not let up. Moreover, we have our own sinful nature to contend with – a nature that would eagerly dance to the devil’s tune. And the world – if you don’t believe the world has embraced a culture of death look no further than the latest weekly video and see the gruesomeness of the violence done to the least of these among us.
Sometimes the journey seems too great for us. This life can exhaust us and overwhelm us and even if we sometimes live in denial of death, other days we, like Elijah, may also say, “Lord, it is enough. Take me now.” And it seems like the only thing to do with death is to give in.
But the same Lord who fed Elijah for his journey is the same Lord who sends the Bread of Life from heaven. And just as Elijah’s simple meal was nothing outwardly spectacular, but just what he needed – so does the Bread of Life feed us. He gives us His flesh, His body, for the life of the world.
Elijah found his rest under a broom tree. But you and I find our rest under a different tree – the tree of the cross. There, at the cross, Jesus sweeps away all our sin and even death itself.
And it is from the cross that Jesus feeds the world just what it needs. Not a savior who brings armies or magic wands, no fireworks or winning lottery tickets. But in the lowly, the humble, the suffering – His power is made perfect in weakness. He sheds His blood, suffers the wrath of God for sin, and gives up His Spirit – thus fulfilling the will of His Father, thus completing His mission from heaven, and winning for you – eternal life.
This is how He, the Bread of Heaven feeds us with the gifts of the Father. This is how He, the Bread of Life, brings us eternal life.
And it is from the altar, that He feeds you today. It may not seem like much. You have all these sins and troubles and fears and then there’s death. . . and Jesus says take and eat, this little, simple wafer of bread. Take and drink, just a sip of wine – and nothing fancy at that. But in this Holy Sacrament of His body and blood, He feeds you the fruits of His cross – and sustains you with the Bread of Life. And it is enough for the journey. He feeds you and sustains you with exactly what you need. He gives you Himself, and that’s always enough!
Our Lord Jesus has the journey covered. He’s with you every step, feeding you along the way, over and over. And your destination is beyond comparing to this vale of tears.
So come and eat and drink. Come bearing your sins. Come with whatever weariness life in a fallen world has laid on you. Come, even though your enemies would have your life. Come with your hurts, your hungers, your yearning to do better. Come to Jesus, for He has come from heaven, from the Father, for you. And whoever comes to Jesus, the Father will not cast out.
Remain in Him, and your journey will be blessed, unto life everlasting. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
iAnd now may the peace of God which passes all human understanding, guard and keep your hearts and minds in Christ our Savior – now and always. AMEN.
Sermon preached at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, SK
Sunday, August 11, 2024 Rev. Lowell Dennis, Emeritus
[1] 1 Kings 19:1-8
Photo Credit: Main Photo detail of "Jesus with the Eucharist at the Last Supper" by Juan de Juanes, mid-late 16th century from wikimedia commons.