Sunday School Parent Connection: Sun. Feb. 23 - A Time For Everything: What is a Steward?

This morning we learned that being a good steward of our time is recognizing that all of our time belongs to the glory of God. He has only given us so much time on the earth and we do not know when our last day will be! While we are here on earth, God expects us to use our time wisely and not to be distracted by the evil that is all around us. (Ephesians 5: 15-16).

We learned there is time for every action but prayer can and should be an "any time" action. We ate Clock Cookies and watched an upbeat video of the 60's song, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by the Byrds of which the lyrics are straight out of the bible! (Ephesians 3:1-15)

However, the majority of our "time" this morning was spent understanding that there is never a time for bullying. We watched a presentation about bullying and engaged in conversation with the kids about how to identify bullying, what to do about it, and how to forgive others when this happens as Jesus forgives us for our sins.
Children were sent home with a small book and pledge card to "Stop Bullying".
Have a great week!