Sunday School Parent Connection: Mar 30 - Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!

Today in Sunday School the children learned about Jesus healing a blind man (John 9). Jesus came into this world to forgive us and grant us faith — spiritual sight. He gives sight to our souls by forgiving our sins. As a group we watched an excellent video of Jesus Healing a Blind Man and discussed how the blind man had to carry out an act of faith, washing at the Pool of Siloam - as Jesus instructed him, before he gained his sight (both physical and spiritual). We paralleled this to receiving God's gift of the Word and Sacraments through the church by our action of walking in the church doors with an open heart to receive His gifts. By the Grace of God, we soon discover how rich God's Word given for us really is and how much He loves us. Jesus is the light of the world, who brings us out of spiritual darkness when we come to faith in him as our Saviour.

The older children looked up in the Bible each of the 7 "I Am" phrases that Jesus uses to describe himself, including, "I am the light of the world" as discussed in today's story. Each child also created their own 10 Commandments tablet which folds open to show 10 small stone tablets with each commandment on them. The kids were encouraged to save these for memorization and future study in Confirmation. We touch on these commandments in various lessons.
In our family faith discussions discuss how sin blinds us in our life of faith. What ways does sin do that and how does sin harden our hearts? How do the Word and Sacraments give us “eyes of faith” so that we can believe?

- April 13th, Palm Sunday - we will be meeting at 8:40 am to dress up in historical costumes and receive palm branches in preparation for the Palm Parade during the 9:00 am worship service. Regular Sunday School classes to follow.
- April 20th, Easter Sunday - please join us for Sunday School on Easter morning during the 10:00 am worship service. We will enjoy an Easter movie together, as well as crafts and snacks!