Sunday School Parent Connection: May 25 - Bible Trivia Challenge

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!

On our last day of Sunday School before summer break, we played the Bible Trivia Game Show reviewing many of the lessons we learned all year. The children played together on 4 teams and helped one another answer the questions. Kids especially enjoyed hitting the game show buzzers. At intermission, we shared a snack together prepared by Mrs. Pelzer, Mrs. McCauley and Mrs. Massier: fruit, cheese, mini-banana muffins, blueberry muffins, cookies and little breakfast quiches. . . delicious!!!
Thank you to Mrs. Pelzer's class for the performance by preschool and kindergarten children singing J-E-S-U-S. The kids knew this song very well and sang loud and clear -- impressive!
A special thank you to Pastor Terry for joining us and explaining Confirmation Sunday, as well as the 2 year Confirmation Program offered through Mount Olive for children aged 12 and older. This is an excellent program intended to prepare them to confirm the faith that began in them on the day of their Baptism. More details about the program are found on Mount Olive's website: Some of our Sunday School children will be progressing to this program in the Fall. We will miss them but they are always welcome to join us again and help with the younger children! Pastor Terry concluded with a prayer and extended an invitation for all of us to attend the 11 am service to share in the celebration of 12 Confirmands who recently completed the program.
- Children's Message will continue throughout the summer during 9 am Worship Service! Although we said good-bye from Sunday School for a little while, we encouraged the kids to attend worship with their families and maybe even sit with their friends in church (if ok with mom & dad). The Fellowship Hall after church service is a great place to keep in touch with their Sunday School friends and teachers throughout the summer!
- More details on Christian Summer Programs to follow. . .

Camp Lutherland
Kid's Camp (ages 8 - 10): July 6 - 10
Youth Camp (ages 11 - 13): July 13 - 17
Children experience a variety of activities while learning about God and His love in Jesus Christ on the beautiful Qu'Appelle lakes!
Registration forms available on Camp Lutherland website:

Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) featuring Gangway to Galilee is coming soon to Mount Olive Lutheran Church!
Ages Preschool to Grade 6: July 21 - 25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Kids will learn about Jesus everyday in every way! Invite your friends and family to this amazing grace adventure!
For more details contact Mount Olive Lutheran Church at 306-543-9744. Kids may also be registered on July 21st -- the evening VBS begins.