Sunday School Parent Connection: May 18th - Peter & Cornelius

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!
The kids had a special treat today, as Pastor Ted opened for us and talked with the children. Older students watched the movie Jesus by Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, which tells the story of Jesus' life through the eyes of children portrayed during that time. It encompassed many of the lessons we learned all year.
Our preschool and kindergarten class learned the story about Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10) and how like them the Good News comes to us. In church we receive the Good News that, although we are judged unrighteous and deserving of death, God mercifully declares us holy, righteous, and innocent because of Christ. The young children also made spring flowers representing new life; similar to the new life we receive through our belief in Jesus Christ!

We will be playing the Bible Trivia Game Show for this class, with prizes. The game is designed for both young and older students, playing together on teams. We will use general Bible trivia, as well as questions from all the lessons we've learned this past year! Also, remember to practice The Apostle's Creed a few more times before Sunday, as children will have the option to recite and receive their Trinity Pin on this day. Kids will have the choice to say aloud individually, as a group with others who choose to recite, or privately at end of class.

Kid's Camp (ages 8 - 10): July 6 - 10
Youth Camp (ages 11 - 13): July 13 - 17
Children experience a variety of activities while learning about God and His love in Jesus Christ on the beautiful Qu'Appelle lakes!

Summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) featuring Gangway to Galilee is coming soon to Mount Olive Lutheran Church!
Ages Preschool to Grade 6: July 21 - 25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Kids will learn about Jesus everyday in every way! Invite your friends and family to this amazing grace adventure!