Blog / Book of the Month / Sunday School Parent Connection: Mar 23 - The Woman at the Well

Sunday School Parent Connection: Mar 23 - The Woman at the Well

Posted in Children / Sunday School

Sunday School Parent Connection: Mar 23 - The Woman at the Well
Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!  
This Sunday's lesson was the account of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1– 42).  Sin causes us to have guilt and shame before God.  In this lesson we learned that Jesus gives the Spirit, who cleanses us from sin and  unrighteousness in the living water of Holy Baptism.  Through the Water and Word of Holy Baptism all guilt and shame are removed.  Jesus came to earth for all people, no matter  what race or color they are.  The living water of Jesus, which flows from His Word and the font of Baptism, quenches our spiritual thirst forever.  


Using our very own "well", we acted out the biblical story of the Woman at the Well before the small children broke out into their classroom for crafts.  With the older children, we discussed a modern-day story of a teen-aged girl who committed adultery by having a child before she was married -- and how she was shunned by others for her sins, just as the Samaritan woman was in biblical times.  We discussed Matthew 7 which tells us the importance of not judging others for their sins, as we all have them.  The key, however, is being truly sorry (repentant) for our sins by understanding His Word and asking God for forgiveness in Jesus' name.  We learn this through the Word and Sacraments administered by the church.  When we know better, we do better -- and Jesus is waiting for us every Sunday with open arms to share the Good News.  The church is a wonderful community to be a part of.

A candid conversation with the kids about God's design for marriage led to a discussion on some of the problems arising from not keeping the 6th Commandment as God set out for us.  As the media continues to portray images and messages contrary to God's will, kids today have a greater challenge lying ahead of them as they develop meaningful relationships of their own.
  • April 13th, Palm Sunday - we will be meeting at 8:40 am to dress up in historical costumes and receive palm branches in preparation for the Palm Parade during the 9:00 am worship service.  Regular Sunday School classes to follow.
  • April 20th, Easter Sunday - please join us for Sunday School on Easter morning during the 10:00 am worship service.  We will enjoy an Easter movie together, as well as crafts and snacks!
