Sunday School Parent Connection - Jan. 12, 2014

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!

The Bible story taught in Sunday School today was The Baptism of Jesus. Jesus' Baptism affected the whole world. Why would Jesus ask John the Baptist to baptize him? After all, Jesus is perfect and is the Son of God. We discussed God's plan for Jesus and for mankind. Jesus' Baptism reveals 3 important things about him: (1) it identified Him with the world of sinners (in order to one day set them free); "For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:21. (2) At Jesus’ Baptism, God the Father announced that Jesus was His son. (3) The presence of the Holy Spirit also confirmed Jesus’ divinity. At our Baptism, God makes us His children through the work of the Holy Spirit.

ALSO BAPTIZED TODAY -- it was a very special day, as two of our Sunday School students, Kaylie and Abby, along with little baby Hannah were welcomed into the family of God!
We have an exciting new year planned with new bible stories, songs & crafts! Wouldn't it be great if our kids knew where to find all the books of the bible before they reached Confirmation (which occurs around age 12)? In addition to our daily lessons, we will also be learning where to find the books of the bible. This will be an ongoing project and we'll make it fun!
- Luther's Small Catechism - this spring, the older grades (3, 4, 5, 6) will also be learning Luther's Small Catechism.
- Christmas Program Photos - check out your child's photos on the Mount Olive website under 'Photos'.
- Bible Study for Parents: Lutheranism 101 - all are invited to Monday night Bible study (parents & kids), led by Vicar James. The goal of this time is to equip parents to teach our children, by providing a Bible study geared towards us. Great discussions where we can ask any questions to gain clarity. We have very busy lives and this a great forum to discuss the basics. Kids definitely ask tricky questions which are hard to field sometimes :) 5:30 pm - potluck supper; 6:15 pm - Bible Study about the basics
Join us this coming Sunday! You won't want to miss the classes ahead, as the program is packed with new material. It's a great opportunity to give the kids a solid base of understanding their faith, preparing them for their future.