Sunday School Parent Connection: Apr 6 - Jesus Raises Lazarus

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!

Today’s Sunday School lesson was the raising of Jesus' good friend, Lazarus. In resurrecting Lazarus (John 11:1–45), Jesus demonstrated that He can indeed raise all who believe in Him for salvation. True life is eternal life with Jesus. Talk with your children about how in this life we see and experience the effects of sin—sickness, injury, and death. Assure them that Jesus, our savior from sin and death, has guaranteed that in heaven our lives will be free of sin and its effects eternally.

- NEXT SUNDAY : April 13th, Palm Sunday - we will be meeting at 8:40 am to dress up in historical costumes and receive palm branches in preparation for the Palm Parade during the 9:00 am worship service. Regular Sunday School classes to follow.
- April 20th, Easter Sunday - please join us for Sunday School on Easter morning during the 10:00 am worship service. We will enjoy an Easter movie together, as well as crafts and snacks!
- Trinity Pins - We have been learning the Apostle's Creed all year! The kids know that if they recite the Apostle's Creed in it's entirety to a teacher (privately) before the end of the Sunday School year, they will earn a special Trinity Pin. We have only 7 Sunday School days left! The Apostle's Creed is found in Luther's Small Catechism and is also attached. The opportunity to earn this pin will continue to next year, as well.
Enjoy the spring weather!