Sunday School Parent Connection: Apr 13 - Palm Sunday

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents for bringing the kids early yesterday and help dress the kids for the Palm Procession! Your help is very much appreciated. In our lesson today, we learned the Easter Story from Palm Sunday through to Easter morning using an interactive story-telling approach with "Easter Resurrection Eggs". Ask your kids what we found in each of the eggs!
Pastor Terry joined us and gave us insight on how pastors make visitations to the sick and elderly. We learned that pastors read scripture, pray, and provide spiritual counsel during these visits and how it is important to have compassion for one another. Together, we prayed for a woman who Pastor Terry visited the day before.
The morning flew by quickly and we did not get a chance to make the palm crosses, as planned. However, the younger kids made some crafts: "A Living Hope" bracelets -- while the older kids watched a video clip about 2 teenage boys who were fooling around in church and did not comprehend the extent of what Christ has done for us.
Thanks very much to Mrs. Massier (Bronsyn's mom) for bringing delicious Pumpkin Choc. Chip muffins. The kids devoured them.

Kid's are encouraged to attend Easter service with their families (2 times available below) -- however, we will also be having movie day during the 10:00 am Easter Worship Service.
7:30 am - Easter Sunrise Service
8:30 am - Easter Breakfast (hot cross buns, cinnamon rolls, muffins, ham, eggs, cheese, fruit cups)
10:00 am - Easter Service
10:00 am - Sunday School -- watching a full movie about Easter to reinforce the lesson taught on Palm Sunday. We'll be having popcorn, snacks and Easter crafts, too.
See you next week!