Mount Olive Sunday School Parent Connection

Mount Olive's Sunday School Parent Connection
A partnership between teachers and parents to educating our children and nourishing their spiritual growth!
We continued our lesson from last Sunday learning about King Solomon, but more specifically about the the magnificent temple which Solomon built and it's significance. Vicar James joined us, describing how spectacular Solomon's Temple was and why it no longer exists. After our individual class lessons, we re-grouped and watched a video together called "Solomon's Temple" which gave us a visual look at how grand the temple was. While we watched, we enjoyed strawberries & whipped cream and chocolate chip muffins!
As the 1st temple of Isreal, Solomon's Temple had a purpose like no other existing pagan temple on earth. God gave specific instructions on how to build the temple and there is much literature and study behind the significance of the measurements and structure -- which is very interesting when considering the coming of the final (permanent) Temple, Jesus Christ! Though He was hidden, God resided within the Old Testament temple; Jesus is the unveiled, human Most Holy Place and is truly accessible to all, enfolding believers in the arms of His Word and Sacraments. Jesus is our Temple and through baptism, He resides within us. Our bodies are now temples and we are obligated to use them in a manner pleasing to God according to His plans, as He has paid the price for our sins.
Parents might ask, “What kinds of thing would you have seen in Solomon’s temple? Where do we see Jesus today?”
A sheet of interesting facts about Solomon's Temple was sent home with a diagram of the Temple for kids to look up bible verses.
- MONDAYS at 5:30 (tonight) is our weekly Family Potluck Supper & Parent Bible Study: Lutheranism 101 led by Vicar James. A relaxing evening refreshing ourselves with the basics of Lutheranism while the kids play, watch a movie & have hot chocolate!
Kim MacLeod
Sunday School Superintendent