Looking for a CFL friendly congregation this Grey Cup Sunday?

Looking for a CFL friendly congregation this Grey Cup Sunday?
In town for the Grey Cup? Come join us at Mount Olive Lutheran Church this Sunday morning. Wear your CFL team gear, many of our members frequently wear their Rider's gear on game days during the regular season and will be wearing theirs this Sunday.
Services are at 9am and 11am and we have lots of parking, we'll be having Holy Communion at the Divine Service: If you're a member of a Lutheran Church-Canada Congregation and you've had your Baptism confirmed please receive the Lord's Supper with us, if you've yet to be baptized or have not had you're baptism confirmed you are welcome at the communion rail for a blessing!
This Sunday is the Last Sunday of the Church year it's all about the end of the year! We focus in on Jesus Christ as our King and His return on the Last Day and the Final Judgment, Sunday will be the last Game of the (CFL) Canadian Football League's Season and the final Judgment to see if the Saskatchewan Roughrider's or the Hamilton Tiger Cats will take home the Grey Cup!
I was asked one time if it's ok to pray for your team to win? I reminded the person asking that when we pray the Lord's Prayer we pray for God the Father to "give us this day our daily bread." Martin Luther in the small catechism says that when we think about our daily bread we should include, "Everything that belongs to the support and wants of the body, such as meat, drink, clothing, shoes, house, homestead, field, cattle, money, goods, a devout spouse, devout children, devout servants, devout and faithful magistrates, good government, good weather, peace, health, discipline, honour, good friends, faithful neighbours, and the like." When we consider everything, maybe just maybe that could include a Grey Cup win! Someone is getting the Grey Cup in their daily bread this Sunday! Come pray for your daily bread along with us!
Yours in Christ Jesus! The people of Mount Olive Lutheran Church Regina Saskatchewan.