Gary Miller Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23, John 14, Romans 8 / March 3rd, 2023 / He leads us in our ride to Life

Text: Psalm 23
Theme: “He leads us in our ride to Life”
Intr – Dear family and friends, what are the skills needed to be a successful car sales person? As we know, this was one of Gary’s occupations in life, for more than 25 years. Cars were among his passions in life, like others we heard from the tribute today.
What are the skills involved in selling cars? I did some online research, since I know little to nothing about this field, here are some of the “must have” skills for a car sales person:
_Self confidence / _Positive attitude / _easy adaptable / _Personable[1]
Those are very interesting ones, and surely, when one is applying to a job or a career, there are many skills and abilities that must be developed in order to fulfill the job adequately. But what do I bring them up today? Well, the reason is, first, because Gary worked as a sales person, of course. But essentially, I’m mentioning them because they are the opposite of what this day represents in the life, or end of life, of a Christian person. When we think about death and the life that is to come, the skills and ability that weigh in are from another sphere, another level, another kind. They come from a kind hand – God’s Hand, working through the Holy Spirit.
For example, self-confidence. The Christian life is the opposite of it. We can’t trust ourselves, for we are sinners. Our confidence must be placed outside ourselves. This is why we say with David; “The Lord is my Shepherd”. Our confidence is in Jesus’ words, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” Gary was called to this reality in his baptism, and sustained in it by God. He was called to abandon self confidence, and to place his trust in Jesus, as all Christians do. He leads us in our ride through life to Life.
-Positive attitude – Death reminds us that no positive attitude from our part can contribute to our eternal life. Jesus did it all. Romans 8 says that God has given His own Son to die for us. Won’t he give us in Him all things? He surely will! These are not a result of our positive attitude before God, but God’s attitude of giving us His precious gifts. He provides green pastures and still waters to all who belong to Him through the Son. All of this with no need of in 48 or 60 installments. They are free through faith.
Personable – It that was a pre-requisite to be a child of God, we would be all lost. We are rebellious against God’s Will. That’s why we need His call from his Word to repentance and faith.
_easy adaptable – as opposed to it, Christian faith does not adapt. It is based on the Scriptures, and the Bible cannot be changed. Gary and all Christians who gather in this place learned constantly that God’s Word teaches the Truth about death and life that never changes.
Yes, dear friends, Gary and all Christians are called to a faith, and nurtured in this faith thorough their lives by a God that is not selling anything – forgiveness and life eternal in Christ are free gifts from His Grace. We can ride through life knowing that He is the one who leads us, guides us, and strengthens us through life into Life.
But I found also some characteristics of a car sales person that are applicable to our life in faith:
_Active listening skills – we are called to hear the Word of God and live it in our life.
_Product knowledge – We want to study God’s Word constantly and know it the best we can.
_Good communication – God’s action of communicating His Word to the World through us.
Today is a day in which we reflect about our finitude, about death, But is also a day to celebrate the joy of life. Our life once started never ends; after death, after the Last Day comes eternity with Jesus. There can be no greater good than this. Definitely, everything works for good in Christ(Romans 8). So even when the separation of death comes, it is temporary. When we depart this world connected to Christ by faith we already know we will see each other again. We will be reunited with God and our loved ones who went ahead of us in faith, to live forever with Christ in the New Earth and New Heavens. We will come together to worship the Lord and to live a perfect life of love, kindness, and joy forever
Cc – Dear family and friends, in my last visit with Gary I reassured Him of something that is valid for you and me, for all of us. Death is not the last word. Life is. In Jesus we know that we will live forever, and with Him is where Gary and Christians who went ahead of us are right now. Jesus victory over death on Easter morning communicates life and gives us assurance that we don’t need to buy our ride into eternity. It is already purchased with His blood. He leads us in our ride to Life. For free. Forever.
[1] Sources: /