Blog / Book of the Month / Facility Update! New Flooring!

Facility Update! New Flooring!

Posted in 2013 / Church Properties / News

Facility Update! New Flooring!
Great news! The new flooring in the Bathrooms off the nursery and the fellowship centre is complete! Special thanks to the Board of Church Properties for getting down on their hands and knees and getting this job done. If you have any ideas for improvements around the church, or if you’re able to lend a hand with improvements around Mount Olive, contact the Board of Church Properties or call the church office.  Remember Many hands make light work, this is a quote from John Heywood (1497 – 1580 A.D), another famous Heywood quote is "Rome was not built in one day," and neither was Mount Olive Lutheran Church! "Thanks for all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make things like this possible.
