Blog / Book of the Month / Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

Posted in 2022 / News

Covid-19 Update

Dear friends in Christ,

Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord,

As of March 1st 2022 the Saskatchewan Provincial Government ended Covid-19 public health guidelines:

The Pastors, Elders and Church Council thank you for your patience and kindness through these last years of pandemic and encourage you to carry on extending this gracious care to each other. Please remember not everyone is at the same comfort level.  Feel free to wear masks as desired and if you are unwell take some time to rest at home before gathering with others. Please exercise caution. Covid and other communicable illnesses persist and still pose a threat to high-risk individuals. Pastors will carry on receiving members on Wednesdays and Saturdays by appointment for Holy Communion if larger gatherings remain to be a concern of yours.

Opportunities to receive Holy Communion for members outside of Sundays are still available:

                  Wednesday Morning                      9am – 10:45am

                  Saturday Morning                          9am – 10:45am    

For members seeking Holy Communion outside of these times please contact one of the Pastors to schedule an individual visit. We are closely monitoring the situation in Regina. If you have questions about any particular activities, please contact the church office.

With love, yours in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Ted Giese & Pastor Lucas Albrecht,
the Board of Elders, Church Council and Office
of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, SK Canada
