Covid-19 Update September 2021

Dear friends in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord,
As of September 17th 2021 the Saskatchewan Provincial Goverment in consultation with the Saskatchewan Health Authority has re-instituted a mask mandate for indoor gatherings at places of worship and other indoor venues.
1) There is no registration for Church Services at this time, you are welcome to come and sit where you like;
2) Masks are now mandatory; masks will be available for those who need one upon entry;
3) Coffee and fellowship is still available between Services; as of September 24th the leadership of the Elders and Church Council have elected to suspend coffee before, after and between the Divine Service until the mask mandate is lifted by the Province. Council, with the support of the Elders, had already voted in favour of this action for an October 3rd start and have upon more reflection chosen to implement this decision early.
4) If you are not feeling well please rest up at home and if you are experiencing an illness of a serious nature please contact the church office or one of our pastors for spiritual care.
5) Divine Service with Holy Communion is at 9am, 11am on Sundays.
Weekly opportunities to receive Holy Communion for members outside of Sundays will still be available with one small time and day change:
Wednesday Morning 9am – 10:45am
Saturday Morning 9am – 10:45am
For members seeking Holy Communion outside of these times please contact one of the pastors to schedule an individual visit.
We are closely monitoring the situation in Regina. If you have questions about any particular activities please contact the church office.
With love yours in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Ted Giese & Pastor Lucas Albrecht,
the Board of Elders, Church Council and Office
of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, SK Canada