Book Of The Month For September 2016: Celebrating The Saints

Celebrating the Saints
by Rev. Will Weedon
2016/Hardback/288 pages
“The memory of the righteous is a blessing.” Proverbs 10:7
And so we know the familiar saying “out with the old and in with the new” is far from true as we live, move, and have our being in the Church. Our past cradles God’s magnificent story of salvation as found in His Word, and intertwined with the Lord’s story, are the stories of those who are His.
Celebrating the Saints introduces you to a collection of feasts and festivals, as well as saints in both Testaments and from nineteen centuries of the Church’s life. Historical sketches and devotional writings in step with the liturgical calendar in Lutheran Service Book reveal these saints not as great exceptions, but great examples of our heavenly Father’s faithfulness. Each section also features a prayer, hymn stanza, and additional suggested readings.
As you encounter the lives of these men and women redeemed by the Lamb, you’ll gaze into “a mirror of the grace and mercy of God” (Martin Luther). Our fellow heirs of eternal life serve but a humble purpose—to point us to the Saint, the Holy One, our Lord Jesus Christ.
“A marvelous resource that will lead God’s people to a deeper appreciation of how He sustained the faithful in past generations and how we, through their example, can serve Him today.”
—Rev . Dr. Paul J. Grime, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana
“Here is a book that fixes the eyes of the reader on the Author and Perfecter of the faith by focusing on His Gospel, His forgiveness of sins.”
—Rev. D. Richard Stuckwisch, Pastor