Book Of The Month For June 2018: Religion on Trial: Cross-Examining Religious Truth Claims (Second Edition)

Religion on Trial: Cross-Examining Religious Truth Claims (Second Edition)
By Craig Parton, Esq.
2018 / Paperback / 144 pages
With ten thousand religions in the world today and two being added every day, how are we to know which, if any, is true?
Religion on Trial takes a serious look at whether all religions are saying nearly the same thing and ultimately lead to the same destination—and if not, whether any of the world’s religions can withstand a closer examination using the evidentiary methods developed in law, history, and science.
For if any religions are to be left standing, they (or it) must have claims made not in a corner immune from rigorous examination but testable by all serious inquirers using methods that have been employed in other fields dealing with truth claims. Religion on Trial is a relentless search for the truth that puts religious claims to rigorous cross-examination—nothing less than eternity is at stake.
Praise for Religion on Trial:
“Religion on Trial is a hard-hitting cross-examination of religious truth claims and the critical importance of basing beliefs on evidence.”
—Oliver H. G. Wilder-Smith, Associate Professor of Medicine at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
“If the truth of the world’s religions were put on trial according to the canons of evidence as applied in
the courts of law, would any be proven ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’? Religion on Trial comes to the
surprising conclusion that there is a religion that indeed presents ‘many compelling proofs’ for its relentlessly objective factual claims.”
—Dr. Henry Hock Guan Teh, Solicitor and Trial Lawyer, Malaysia
“As one who has dedicated his professional life to the scientific method and to the pursuit of facts no
matter where they may lead, Religion on Trial confirms what the laboratory has always taught: we should not ask people to believe that which cannot be proven.”
—Dr. Willy Humbert, Docteur ès Sciences, ingénieur de recherches, Université Louis Pasteur et C.N.R.S.
(Centre national de la recherche scientifique), Strasbourg, France

Craig Parton is a Christian apologist; he is also a trial lawyer and partner at Price, Postel & Parma LLP, a law firm based in Santa Barbara, California. He completed his doctorate in law at the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. He also completed a master's degree in Christian Apologetics under Dr. John Warwick Montgomery at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (now Trinity Law School) in Santa Ana, California. As a seven-year staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ, he traveled to more than 100 colleges and universities defending the Christian faith through lectures and debates.
Parton has published articles and reviews in various theological journals and festschrifts. He has also written three books. These include The Defense Never Rests: A Lawyer's Quest for the Gospel and Religion on Trial. Parton is also the United States Director of the International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights in Strasbourg, France.
An interview with Craig Parton on Issues, Etc on October 5, 2017
You can order the book online at Concordia Publishing House, as an E-book with, Apple iBooks, or by contacting our Church Office.