Book Of The Month For July 2017: Hebrews - Concorida Commentray

Hebrews - Concordia Commentary
By Dr. John Kleinig
2017/656 pages/Adult - Mature Adult
The Book of Hebrews is one of encouragement, hope, and confidence. Jesus Christ is shown to be our great High Priest, the greater Moses, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies, the sacrifice for the world’s sins. By faith, we, like those listed in the well-known passage in chapter 11, place our hope in God.
This commentary is built on the common agreement that this book is a written sermon by an unknown speaker. John Kleinig, the author of this Concordia Commentary, proposes an interpretation of the text that uses a new kind of liturgical rhetoric, a new method of discourse analysis, and a new consideration of the context and purpose of the homily.
May this commentary encourage you to continue to place your hope in “Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2 ESV).
“A commentary on the highest level of scholarly discussion with a comprehensive treatment of the ongoing debate.”
—Wolfgang Kraus, Professor of New Testament, University of the Saarland, Germany, and Co-Editor-in-Chief of Septuaginta Deutsch
“Detailed yet highly readable. . . Brims with insights.”
—David M. Moffitt, Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies, University of St Andrews, Scotland
“A clearly written, thought-provoking interpretation.”
—Gareth Lee Cockerill, Professor of Biblical Interpretation and Theology, Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi, and author of Hebrews in the New International Commentary on the New Testament
“A monumental commentary.”
—Christian Grappe, Professor of New Testament, Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Strasbourg, France

Dr. John W. Kleinig is emeritus Professor of Exegetical Theology, Australian Lutheran College (formerly Luther Seminary), Adelaide, Australia. He studied at Adelaide University (B.A. with Honors), Luther Seminary (M.Div.), and the University of Cambridge, England (M.Phil. and Ph.D.)
The Concordia Commentary Series: A Theological Exposition of Sacred Scripture is written to enable pastors and teachers of the Word to proclaim the Gospel with greater insight, clarity, and faithfulness to the divine intent of the biblical text.
This landmark work will cover all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, interpreting Scripture as a harmonious unity centered in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Every passage bears witness to the Good News that God has reconciled the world to Himself through our Lord's life, death, and resurrection.
The commentary fully affirms the divine inspiration, inerrancy, and authority of Scripture as it emphasizes "that which promotes Christ" in each pericope.
Authors are sensitive to the rich treasury of language, imagery, and themes found throughout Scripture, including such dialectics as Law and Gospel, sin and grace, death and new life, folly and wisdom, demon possession and the arrival of the kingdom of God in Christ. Careful attention is given to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek. Further light is shed on the text from archaeology, history, and extra-biblical literature. Finally, Scripture's message is applied to the ongoing life of the church in terms of ministry, worship, the proclamation of the Word, Baptism, the Lord's Supper, confession of the faith--all in joyful anticipation of the life of the world to come.