Book Of The Month For April 2018: Embracing Godly Character: Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman

Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman
by Elizabeth Ahlman
2018 / Paperback / 192 Pages
Proverbs 31:10–31 has become a beloved, often quoted passage—yet it is often misunderstood and misapplied.
As today’s culture lauds the woman who does and has it all, Christians seek to reconcile what they hear from the secular, feminist world with what God says in His Word.
Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman is an authoritative yet inviting discussion of the passage in terms of language, history, purpose, and application. Readers will come away with a sense of renewal and affirmation—and a keener understanding of the biblical example of the Proverbs 31 woman. What shines through is not a prescription for how to become a better wife, mother, woman, or friend, but a description of our Savior, the Church, and ourselves.
Unfold the riches this proverb offers. You will find Jesus there.
“A great in-depth look at an often misunderstood passage.”
—Darcy Paape, Director of the Women’s Leadership Institue
“I was enthralled from the moment I started reading!”
—Kay A. Kreklau, Past LWML President

Wife, mother, deaconess, and missionary are just a few of Elizabeth’s vocations. Her present call has brought these vocations together allowing Elizabeth to use her gifts as a writer and communicator for the church, while keeping her faith and family as the top priority.
In her role as a communications specialist for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Eurasia, Elizabeth shares the story of God’s work in action throughout the region.
A graduate of the University of Iowa and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Elizabeth, her husband, and four children live in Houston, TX where her husband serves as a pastor.
Interview on Issues Etc. with Deaconess Elizabeth Ahlman about her book "Demystifying the Proverbs 31 Woman"
You can order the book online at Concordia Publishing House, as an E-book with, Google Books or Apple iBooks, or by contacting our Church Office.