Arnold Mohr Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23, John 14 January 10th 2020 / In His Name

Sermon – Friday, January 10th, 2020
Funeral Service of Arnold Mohr
Text: Psalm 23; John 14
Theme: in His Name
Intr – We gather together today for this special Service in which we want to give thanks for all the blessings God has bestowed on the life of “Mr. Fix it”…hum, does that make sense to you? Well, perhaps if I use another one: the Funeral Service of “Mr. Mom”? Nothing yet? Maybe “Mr. Energizer Bunny”?...or still, “Mr. Mastermind”?
Those are 4 nicknames the family shared with me by which Arnold would be called sometimes; and Loretta says that Arnold lived up to all of them. He was Mr. Mom when Loretta had to work outside of home. Mr. Fix it for he wouldn’t give up until he had figured out how to fix something. Mr. Energizer Bunny as he was always motivated; nothing stopped him. And Mr. Mastermind, for his opinion would always be requested, especially in important matters.
Nicknames. There are some of them that stick to a person for life. I know people, perhaps you too, that are known more by their nicknames that the name in their birth certificates or Baptism register. There is a nickname though that applies not only Arnold but to all and each one of us and sticks with us for life: Sinner. Actually, this is the reason this day is happening. “The wages of sin is death”, says St. Paul.[1] We die because of that unfortunate nickname we are born with: sinners.
That would be a terrible thing if it was all that is. However, Christ came to the World to give us a name; superior, ultimate, final: Child of God. When we are in faith, we have this special name that grants us forgiveness, salvation and life everlasting. This name is by far bigger and greater than that sinner nickname. This name changes everything. Child of God.
We receive this name because of what Christ did for us. Salvation from sin was made possible in His Name, the name above all names.[2] Jesus fixed it for us. Jesus says in the Gospel. “I will go prepare a place for you”. Not only in heaven, but the very fact that He died on the Cross fixed the problem of sin and gave us that special place. Christ didn’t stop until he fixed our problem. He is The Master Mind; when our mind is in Christ by faith He guides our hearts and our steps in life, providing perfect counsel, direction, love. Now, as we are in Jesus since our Baptism He is not mr. mom, but our Father in heaven; we belong to His family. He cares for His children and He is a present Father for our entire life. And Christ is more than our energizer, He is the giver and Provider or all of our strength. In Psalm 23 we read, “the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”. He provides us with everything we need for our life with Him. I hear that Arnold loved to feed the deer, even on a daily basis. God provides us daily green pastures and still waters where he refreshes and restores our soul.
This strength makes all the difference in moments like these when because of that unpleasant nickname, sinners, we have to face death, we lose people we love, having to deal with grief and sorrow. Remember, in Christ you have that beautiful name by which He calls you: Child. A name that is unparalleled to any nickname there is. A reality that places us directly under God’s Care and Love. This faith gives us the certainty that death is not the last word, it’s the fore last. We will be reunited with those who went ahead of us in Christ, on the Last Day. We will be called by Him who has the name above all names, Jesus, to live in the House of the Lord forever. In His name there’s no death, but life. That verse from Romans that I quoted previously doesn’t end there. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Cc – Dear family and friends, Arnold will certainly be remembered by you not only by the nicknames, but for many of his life events, like the care and attention he used to dedicate to family, especially the children. But never forget to remember Him by the name that Christ has given to Him in His Baptism, has maintained with His Word and Sacraments for 86 years, and by which he is now with the Lord. Child of God. This name is for us too and for all who are connected to Him by faith. This is The Name that gives us the certainty that the Lord is our Shepherd; that He has provided us with a special place. For the name says it all: Jesus. Yeshua. Saviour.[3] In this Name we have all that we need for this life; and for the life to come.
[1] Romans 6:23
[2] Philippians 2.9
[3] Matthew 1.21