Advent and the Celebration of Christmas Mount Olive Lutheran Church 2020

Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Lord,
As of November 25th we have been provided further direction from the Province and the Health Authority mandating a reduction of our building capacity from 1/3rd capacity to 30 people plus those who facilitate the Service. This will be in place until December 17th. This covers weddings, funerals, baptisms outside of Sunday and Church Services as well as any other functions that the Church might hold during that time. We will continue to follow recent Public Health Orders mandating masks must be worn at all times indoors.
Keeping with the Spirit of slowing down, not locking down, the Church will be voluntarily suspending Bible Studies, Classes and the majority of other activities that were planned to take place before the 17th of Dec. Registration for Church Services will continue and we will continue to have Divine Service with Holy Communion at 9 and 11am on Sundays.
Weekly opportunities to receive Holy Communion outside of Sundays will still be available with one small time and day change:
Tuesday Morning 9am – 10:45am
Wednesday Evening 7:30pm – 9:15pm
Saturday Morning 9am – 10:45am
Wednesday evening provides a chance once a week for those working during the day to come for Holy Communion. This change will be in place for the foreseeable future.
While we will not be having Advent Services and Activities this year we will have additional Services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Registration of all attendees will be required for Christmas Services. To register please call the church office.
Christmas Eve Dec 24th 1pm, 3pm, 5pm & 7pm
Christmas Day Dec 25th 9am & 11am (with Communion)
Everyone’s Advent and Christmas will be different this year and we are all going to be making adjustments along the way, please remember to be patient and kind with each other as you prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ Jesus. He is our true Hope and Saviour and as we contemplate His first coming to us as the Baby in Bethlehem let us not forget that He has both promised to be with us along the way and to return to take us to our heavenly home. Whatever comes our way here in Saskatchewan over the next month or so keep in mind that Christmas cannot actually be taken from you because Christ is Christmas and He is with you just as He promises to be. At His command we continue to provide Word and Sacrament ministry to you and your family and we thank you for your generosity, prayers and patience.
“The True Light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.” (John 1:9 ESV)
On a happy note of hope and joy we will have individual candles for all those attending Christmas Eve Services at the Church, the physical distancing makes that easier and safer to do together. We are prepared for you to join us. In the dark of this pandemic the light of Christ Jesus continues to shine for He is the “Light of the world” (John 8:12).
With love yours in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Ted Giese & Pastor Lucas Albrecht,
the Board of Elders, Church Council and Office
of Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, SK Canada