Aluminum Sorting Ministry

A project that began in the Spring of 1995 and continued until May of 2014 has been a blessing to many! Large amounts of money have supported many different needs, but the ‘fellowship’ of the MANY VOLUNTEERS has been a very special blessing to all.
For 18 years SEARS have been so generous by giving us the cuttings of ‘made to measure’ aluminum blinds and later also giving us the damaged blinds to dismantle and sell. The aluminum and the steel had to be separated, which the volunteers continued to do so faithfully!
For a time, Les Rein picked up the damaged blinds with his small trailer and worked in his garage. As we received bigger quantities, the sorting was moved to the fellowship centre of Mount Olive where we had more room to work and enlisted the help of our volunteers. As well, Sears gave 8 pallets full of large boxes with brackets and screws, which then got sorted as well. The volunteers also brought things for recycling such as batteries, small motors, brass, stainless steel etc.
OUR FINAL TOTALS were: ALUMINUM 93,553 lbs. and STEEL 112,296 lbs.
The combined total was 205,849 lbs or 103 tons that was kept out of the landfill. This generated approximately $41,383.00! The prices often fluctuated and we didn’t always receive exact figures.
Funds were distributed to the following:
Tabs For Tots - $268.00 (Diabetic supplies for children of low income families)
Wheel Chairs/Pasqua Hospital - $3,073.00
Food Bank - $13,185.00
Concordia Seminary - $1,826.00
Seminarian Perry Hart - $1,000.00
Camp Lutherland - $1,500.00 ($500.00 specified for printing 75th Ann. Book)
Lutheran Braille Workers Canada - $800.00
“Kids for Cancer” Ride (Sears) - $650.00
Haiti Relief (CLWR) - $500.00
“Love Lives Here” Bus Ministry - $460.00
Options Pregnancy Counselling - $400.00
Lutherans For Life-Canada - $351.00
Sponsored a Lutheran Hour Broadcast - $320.00
Boys and Girls Club (Sears) - $300.00
B.C. Mission Boat (Roberta Nixon) - $300.00
Canadian Lutheran World Relief - $250.00
Smaller amounts were given to the following:
Canadian Diabetes Assoc., Habitat For Humanity, Arthritis Assoc., Prison Fellowship, Teen Aid Sask., Heart and Stroke Fund, LWMLC Endowment Fund, Malabar Mission Society, Regina Pro-Life Assoc., Saskatchewan Pro-Life Assoc., Lutheran Layman’s League ‘Project Connect’, REAL WOMEN of Canada, Telemiracle, Focus on the Family, The War Amps of Canada, Mount Olive’s sponsored refugee – Valon Damoni, and Medical Missions overseas shipment of items.
Gifts to Mount Olive:
$646.00 – Curb and Gutter Fund, $666.00 – plumbing repairs,
$2,095.00 – dishwasher, $242.00 – vacuum power head
$250.00 – tractor/snowblower fund, $26.00 – soundproofing ceiling
For a total of $3,925.00
We would like to extend heartfelt “THANKS” to Mount Olive for the opportunity to use the church facility, to all the men with their trucks and their time for picking up and delivering boxes, to the ladies for all their donations of delicious baking so that ‘coffee time’ was always special, to Vivian McEachern for making hundreds of phone calls, to ALL THE VOLUNTEERS FOR GIVING OF THEIR PRECIOUS HOURS OVER THE PAST 18 YEARS!
May 8th, 2014
Les and Carol Rein