Blogs / Theological Terms and Topics / Faith


Katherine Dech Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23; John 14:1-7 April 3rd 2019 / All the days of my life

Katherine Dech Funeral Sermon - Psalm 23; John 14:1-7 April 3rd 2019 / All the days of my life

Text: Psalm 23, John 14Theme: “All the days of my life”___________________________Intr –Among many beautiful things King David writes in Psalm 23, he lets us know that “goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” Now, when life is lived by faith, for how many days...

"An exaggeration of love" Sermon / Luke 15:1-3; 11-32 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 31st 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"An exaggeration of love" Sermon / Luke 15:1-3; 11-32 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 31st 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  Text: Luke 15:1-3; 11-32Theme: “An exaggeration of Love”___________________________Intr - What do you think about these features in your life: - Two weekends;- Three Sundays;- Two salaries per month- The number of weeks of vacations according to your wish;- Three desserts...

Caroline Yahnke Funeral Sermon - John 14:1-7 March 26th 2019 / The Gift of Time

Caroline Yahnke Funeral Sermon - John 14:1-7 March 26th 2019 / The Gift of Time

Funeral Sermon for Caroline Hannah Yahnke / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Tuesday March 26th 2019: Season of Lent / John 14:1-7 "The Gift of Time" Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go...

"God is faithful" Sermon / 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 24th 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"God is faithful" Sermon / 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 24th 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

    Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9Theme: “God is faithful”___________________________Intr – The text of the epistle for today talks about temptation. When we talk about them what usually comes to mind are the ones we could call ‘Classical temptations”. Money, sexuality,...

"Friends of the Cross" Sermon / Luke 13:31-35; Phillipians 3:17-4:1 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 17th 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Friends of the Cross" Sermon / Luke 13:31-35; Phillipians 3:17-4:1 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Sunday March 17th 2019 / Season of Lent / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

    SERMON OUTLINE   Text: Luke 13:31-35; Phillipians 3:17-4:1Theme: “Friends of the cross”[1]___________________________Intr – A 27-year-old man in India is planning to sue his parents for giving birth to him without asking him first. “I want to tell all Indian kids that they don’t owe...

"hate and Love" - Sermon on Psalm 85 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Wed March 6th 2019: Ash Wednesday / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"hate and Love" - Sermon on Psalm 85 / Pr. Lucas A. Albrecht / Wed March 6th 2019: Ash Wednesday / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  Text: Psalm 85Theme: Anger and Love ___________________________Intr – Here’s a quote for you: "He who believes in freedom of the will has never loved and never hated."[1] Take it in a poetic or an ironic way, there are traces of reality on this phrase. When we feel in love we more often...

"Through the generations" Sermon / Luke 5:1-11 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday February 10th 2019: Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Through the generations" Sermon / Luke 5:1-11 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday February 10th 2019: Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Sermon Summary   Text: Luke 5:1-11Theme: “Through the generations”[1]___________________________Intr – Four years ago Djenane and I attended a wedding ceremony held by one of the beautiful beaches in Recife, one of the Northeastern State capitals in Brazil. The groom was a friend from...

"Living children of a Caring God" Sermon / Luke 4:31-44 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday February 3rd 2019: Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Living children of a Caring God" Sermon / Luke 4:31-44 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday February 3rd 2019: Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Sermon Summary   Text: Luke 4:31-44Theme: “Living children of the Caring God”___________________________ Intr – The Gospel today is a text with many of the cures and healings Jesus performed during His ministry. Also, He casted demons out. Performing this acts of mercy Jesus shows how...

Raymond Kainz Funeral Sermon - 1 Corinthians 13, Jan 30th 2019 / The greatest of the three is Love

Raymond Kainz Funeral Sermon - 1 Corinthians 13, Jan 30th 2019 / The greatest of the three is Love

  Text: 1 Corinthians 13Theme: The greatest of the three is Love___________________________ Intr – If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I play instruments, and use my talent in the Church, but have no love, I am just...

"Do what He tells you" Sermon / John 2:1-11/ Pr. Lucas Albrecht / January 20th 2019: Season Of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Do what He tells you" Sermon / John 2:1-11/ Pr. Lucas Albrecht / January 20th 2019: Season Of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  SERMON SUMMARY   Text: John 2:1-11Theme: “Do what He tells you” (v.5)___________________________Intr – What’s the first thing you lips and tongue want to utter almost as a reflex in a situation where a person, after you told them what to do, sometimes even giving the exact instructions...

"Good content" Sermon / Romans 6:1-11 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / January 13th 2019: Season Of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Good content" Sermon / Romans 6:1-11 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / January 13th 2019: Season Of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

    Text: Romans 6:1-11Theme: Good Content ___________________________Intr –  Which of these do you consider yourself capable of carrying? _a 120lb flour bag; _a bag of potatoes with that same weight; _a 100lb plastic garbage bag. I don’t know what your answer is, but I know I won’t be...

"The Light of the World" Sermon / John 1:1-14 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Christmas Day December 25th 2018: Season Of Christmas / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"The Light of the World" Sermon / John 1:1-14 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Christmas Day December 25th 2018: Season Of Christmas / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

      Text: John 1:1-14 Theme:  Christmas Day – Light in the Darkness___________________________Intr – People who suffer from sight problems have a precious help to see better: glasses. This invention gives blurred eyes the clarity and precision they so much need.[1]      But if you are...

Elmer Numrich Funeral Sermon - John 14:1–7 Dec 21st 2018 / Moving Day

Elmer Numrich Funeral Sermon - John 14:1–7 Dec 21st 2018 / Moving Day

Funeral Sermon for Elmer Numrich - Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Friday December 21st 2018: Season of Advent / John 14:1-7 "Moving Day" Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I...

"Stay awake" / Mark 13.24-37, Jude 20-25 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday November 25th 2018: Season of Pentecost - Last Sunday of the Church Year / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Stay awake" / Mark 13.24-37, Jude 20-25 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday November 25th 2018: Season of Pentecost - Last Sunday of the Church Year / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  Text: Mark 13. 24-37, Jude 20-25Theme: “Stay awake”___________________________Intr – Have you been sleeping well lately? How would you rate the overall quality of your sleep? When the night comes, is it a pleasant thing to think about crashing on your bed, or is it the beginning of...

"A place in us" Sermon / John 8:31-37 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday October 28th 2018: Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"A place in us" Sermon / John 8:31-37 / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Sunday October 28th 2018: Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

  SERMON OUTLINE Text: John 8:31-37Theme: “A place in us” ­­­­­­­­______________________                              _______________________ Intr – IReading the Chapter 8 of St. John as I prepared today’s sermon, I found interesting to notice something there that didn’t call my...

Dennis Dusterbeck Funeral Sermon - John 14:1–7 Oct 27th 2018 / Courage in Death the Gift of Christ Jesus

Dennis Dusterbeck Funeral Sermon - John 14:1–7 Oct 27th 2018 / Courage in Death the Gift of Christ Jesus

Dennis Lloyd Dusterbeck Funeral Sermon - Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday October 27th 2018: Season of Pentecost / John 14:1–7 - Courage in Death the Gift of Christ Jesus [Jesus says,] “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many rooms. If...

Dorothy Stone Funeral Sermon - John 3, Oct 12th 2018 / God loved the world this way

Dorothy Stone Funeral Sermon - John 3, Oct 12th 2018 / God loved the world this way

  Text: John 3:14-21Theme: God loved us this way.___________________________Intr – When we love someone, we show it in one way or another. What are the ways we could list that show Dorothy loved his family and friends? From a talk I had with the family, I think I wouldn’t be wrong if...

God Bless the Broken Road (2018) Harold Cronk - Movie Review

God Bless the Broken Road (2018) Harold Cronk - Movie Review

God Bless the Broken Road (2018) Directed by: Harold Cronk, Writers: Harold Cronk, Jennifer Dornbush (screenplay by) Andy Fraser, Liam Matthews (story by) Stars: Lindsay Pulsipher, Andrew W. Walker, Makenzie Moss, Kim Delaney, Gary Grubbs, Arthur Cartwright, Madeline Carroll, LaDainian...

Restoration- Psalm 80 Sermon, October Prayer Service, 2018

Restoration- Psalm 80 Sermon, October Prayer Service, 2018

      Sermon – September 5th, 2018 Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Regina, SK Text: Psalm 80Theme: Restoration___________________________Intr –  When you see something undergoing restoration, which of these two things you think is it that is going to happen: _They are destroying the...

"Heaven Gave Rain" Sermon / Pr. Ted Giese / James 5:13–18 / Sunday September 30th 2018: Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

"Heaven Gave Rain" Sermon / Pr. Ted Giese / James 5:13–18 / Sunday September 30th 2018: Season Of Pentecost / Mount Olive Lutheran Church

(James 5:13-18) Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who...