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"The Bread of Life" John 6: 22-35 (The Food we need - 3) Sermon Pr. Lucas Albrecht Sunday August 5th 2018 Season of Pentecost

Sermon OUTLINE Text: John 6:22-35 Theme:  The Bread of Life___________________________Intr – A research showed that a human being eats about 16 times its own weight in one year. A horse takes in only 8 times its weight. So if you want to loose wight you have to eat like a horse....

From Zoan to Zion- Psalm 78 Sermon, August Prayer Service

Text: Psalm 78Theme: From Zoan to Zion___________________________Intr –  Have you ever noticed how frequently you do use parables on your interactions? I can assure you that you use it on almost a daily basis with your family, with friends, or at work.           Let me illustrate how I know...

"The water that feeds" Mark 6: 45-56 (The Food we need - 2) Sermon Pr. Lucas Albrecht Sunday July 29th 2018 Season of Pentecost

  **Transcript below** SERMON OUTLINE Text: Mark 6:45-56Theme:  The Water that feeds (The Food we need - 2)___________________________Intr – We are on a sermon series called “The food we need”. Today, “The Water that feeds”. Now, can water be considered as a type of food? “Water...

"Food for faith" Mark 6: 30-44 (The Food we need - 1) Sermon Pr. Lucas Albrecht Sunday July 22nd 2018 Season of Pentecost

  **TRANSCRIPT below** SERMON OUTLINE Text: Mark 6:30-44Theme:  Food for faith – (The Food we need series)___________________________Intr –  In the text today, we see Jesus feeding people with this: (Fish) It Provides Instant Energy / Low in Calories  It Improves Cardiovascular Health ...

"Offense and Grace" Mark 6: 1-13 Sermon Pr. Lucas Albrecht Sunday July 8th 2018 Season of Pentecost

Text: Mark 6:1-13Theme:  Offense and Grace___________________________Intr – Looking around and paying close attention we will realize we are living in times of what I would call “The Offense Factory”. Or the industry of the outraged. Taking offense and being offended seem to be products...

Remember the future - Psalm 77 Sermon, July Prayer Service

Text: Psalm 77Theme: Remember the future___________________________Intr – We are forgetful people. We forget where we left the car key, or the remote. We don’t recall where our glasses are, or the tools we need. We don’t know where our cell phone is…Whenever we forget where something we need...

Funeral Sermon, Emma Becker/ Wednesday, July 4th 2018

Text: John 14.1-7; Psalm 23Theme: He knows us by our name.___________________________Intr – Let me open my sermon with a little bit of humour – since I learned from the family that Emma was not foreign to joking and laughing. As she passed away last Friday, and was taken to heaven through faith...

"On board through the storm" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season of Pentecost / June 24th 2018 - / Mark 4:35-41

Text: Mark 4:35-41Theme: On board through the storm___________________________Intr –  "One night when my youngest son was already in bed a thunderstorm broke out. After a very loud thunder, I heard him crying, and I went to his room to be with him and bring him comfort. He asked me then to...

"We do not lose heart" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season of Pentecost / June 10th 2018 - / 2 Corinthians 4:5-5.1

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:5-5.1Theme: “We do not lose heart”___________________________Intr – What keeps your life flowing? What keeps your heart going? What helps you to not lose it altogether – not to lose heart?          I ask you this today because anxiety, melancholy, and depression have...

"Hear, O my people, while I admonish/testify/warn you!" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Confirmation Sunday / June 3rd 2018 - / Psalm 81:1-10

    Text: Psalm 81:1-10Theme: “Hear, O my people, while I admonish/testify/warn you!” (v.8)___________________________Intr –  Psalm 81, on our lectionary for today, seems to guess our festivity, Confirmation Sunday, as the psalmist writes: “Sing aloud to God our strength; ishout for joy to...

Funeral Sermon, Arthur Kachuik / Monday, May 21st 2018

Text: John 14Theme: “A project finished on the wood”___________________________Intr – If you go to Arthur’s house today – actually also Denise family’s house as well – where he lived for decades, and you’d open the garage door, you’ll find many things there, I am sure. But there’s one thing...

"Speaking the other language" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Pentecost Day / May 20th 2018 - / Acts 2:1-12

  Text: Acts 2:1-12Theme: “Speaking the other language” ___________________________ Intr –  What language other than English do you feel able to speak? You might say “I can only speak English, Pastor. That’s it.” I would guess though, that you can speak at least one more language besides...

"I chose you and appointed you" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season Of Easter / May 06th 2018 - / John 15:9-17

  Text: John 15:9-17Theme: “I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit” ___________________________ Intr – I chose to bring up to the pulpit today this doorstop from our church’s front door. It has nothing special per se, and actually it would go unnoticed by all if I hadn’t bring...

It is God who executes judgement - Psalm 75 Sermon, May Prayer Service

Text: Psalm 75Theme: It is God who executes judgment___________________________Intr –  I read a book sometime ago in which the author undertook the herculean task of bringing an abridged overview on the history of humankind around the world. A jet tour through what happened with humanity from...

"Love for the sheep" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season of Easter / April 22nd 2018 - / John 10:11-18

Text: John 10:11-18Theme: “Love for the sheep” ___________________________ Intr – Good Christian friends: I invite you today to walk along with me through St. John’s Gospel for today, assimilating some important teachings from the Word of God we find in it.[1]          The first thing...

Funeral Sermon, Sheila Lupanko/ Saturday April 14th 2018

Text: John 14.2Theme: “In my Father’s house are many rooms”___________________________Intr – I heard that Sheila’s house used to have at least 30 rooms, is that information correct?                    Well, I know I am exaggerating it here. On one hand, I learned from Shirley and the girls...

"Written that you may believe" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Easter Season / Sunday April 8th 2018 - / John 20:19-31

Text: John 20:19-31Theme: “Written that you may believe” ­­­­­­­­_________________________________ Intr – One of the most known love songs from Canadian Singer Bryan Adams says in one of its verses: “Search you heart; search your soul.And when you find me there You’ll search...

"April Faiths Day" / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Easter Sunday April 1st 2018 - / Mark 16:1-8

Text: Mark 16:1-8Theme: April Faith’s Day___________________________Intr – Happy fool’s day!          Now, that’s a very unusual way to  begin an Easter Sermon, isn’t it? I do agree. Well, this is a very unusual happening as well. Last time Easter fell on April 1st was back in 1945. None of...

He speaks / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season Of Lent / Maundy Thursday March 29th 2018 / Luke 22:70

    Text: Luke 22.70ffTheme: He speaks (Sanhedrin: “We’ve heard it from His Own Lips”) ___________________________Intr – Perhaps it has been around for a long time, but lately it became even more evident in our society. Many things that are said, written, published out there are not...

The mind of Christ / Sermon / Pr. Lucas Albrecht / Season Of Lent / Sunday March 25th 2018 - / Phillipians 2:5-11; John 12:12-19

  Text: Philippians 2:5-11; John 12:12-19Theme: The mind of Christ ___________________________Intr – I read here and there every so often a certain type of news that goes more or less like this: _The president/prime-minister of such and such country was in very simple clothes and didn’t...