Guest Preacher
"Hail, King of the Jews!" truth wrapped in mockery / Sermon / Pr. Daryl Solie / Season Of Lent / Wednesday February 28th 2018 - / John 19:2-16
Each evening in this year’s Lutheran Church Canada WASCANA Circuit Lenten exchange of midweek Services will be focused on people like the High Priest Caiaphas. From unfriendly crowds seeking Jesus’ death, to the Sanhedrin, to Pilate’s Soldiers, to men like Judas Iscariot, the Centurion at...
"I have sinned by betraying innocent blood" attempted refund & subsequent remorse / Sermon / Season Of Lent / Wednesday February 21st 2018 - / Matthew 27:3-10
Each evening in this year’s Lutheran Church Canada WASCANA Circuit Lenten exchange of midweek Services will be focused on people like the High Priest Caiaphas. From unfriendly crowds seeking Jesus’ death, to the Sanhedrin, to Pilate’s Soldiers, to men like Judas Iscariot, the Centurion at...
Sermon / Pr. Dave Haberstock / Epiphany Day / Saturday January 6th 2018 - / Matthew 2:1-12 / WASCANA Circuit Epiphany Service.
To cap off the Season of Christmas and kick off the Season of Epiphany our 2018 WASCANA Circuit Epiphany Service was hosted at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. Listen here to audio of the Gospel Reading for that evening and the Sermon preached by Pr. David Haberstock from Grace Lutheran Church...
Sermon / Pr. Daryl Solie / Reformation 500th Anniversary / Tuesday October 31st 2017 - / Psalm 46 / There is a River
Sermon by Rev. Daryl Solie during the 500th Reformation Anniversary Wascana Circuit Service at Mount Olive. ...
Christ Jesus For You - Preaching on the 10 Commandments - 9 Sermons from 5 pastors.
The Ten Commandments (The focus for our Wednesday evening Services, and for Holy Week and Easter, has been the 10 Commandments. Local pastors were provided with a sermon corresponding to their assigned commandment, the sermons are from a sermon series, written by Rev. Brent Kuhlman of...
Sermon / Guest Preacher Rev. David Haberstock / March 29th 2017 - / 2 Samuel 11:1-27, 5th Commandment, Wednesday Midweek Lenten Service
(The focus for our Wednesday evening Services, and for Holy Week and Easter, will be the 10 Commandments. Local pastors were provided with a sermon corresponding to their assigned commandment, the sermons are from a sermon series, written by Rev. Brent Kuhlman for Concordia Pulpit...
Sermon / Guest Preacher Rev. Daryl Solie / March 22th 2017 - / Luke 2:51, 4th Commandment, Wednesday Midweek Lenten Service
(The focus for our Wednesday evening Services, and for Holy Week and Easter, will be the 10 Commandments. Local pastors were provided with a sermon corresponding to their assigned commandment, the sermons are from a sermon series, written by Rev. Brent Kuhlman for Concordia Pulpit...
Sermon / Guest Preacher / March 15th 2017 - / 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 6th Commandment, Wednesday Midweek Lenten Service
(The focus for our Wednesday evening Services, and for Holy Week and Easter, will be the 10 Commandments. Local pastors were provided with a sermon corresponding to their assigned commandment, the sermons are from a sermon series, written by Rev. Brent Kuhlman for Concordia Pulpit...
For Our Salvation - Epiphany Sermon / Friday January 6, 2017 / Guest Pastor Daryl Solie Of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church - Regina
Epiphany Service for WASCANA Circuit of Central District of Lutheran Church-Canada Friday January 6, 2017 / Preacher: Guest Pr. Daryl Solie of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Regina Saskatchewan. Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-11, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 Arise,...
Sermon / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Sunday April 17th 2016 - / Psalm 23 & Revelation 7:13-17 / Wanting for Northing
Sermon / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Sunday April 17th 2016 / Psalm 23 & Revelation 7:13-17 / Easter 4 - Wanting for Northing The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside...
Sermon / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Wednesday March 16th 2016 - / Luke 22:47-53 / The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Irwin Pudrycki / Luke 22:47–53/ Lent Midweek Service Wednesday - The Betrayal: A Place of Eternal Love While [Jesus] was still speaking, there came a crowd, and the man called Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He drew near to Jesus to kiss Him,...
Sermon / Pr. Daryl Solie / Wednesday March 9th 2016 - / Luke 22:39 - 46 / Gethsemane: A Place of Strength
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Daryl Solie / Luke 22:39–46 / Lent Midweek Service Wednesday - Gethsemane: A Place of Strength And [Jesus] came out and went, as was His custom, to the Mount of Olives, and the disciples followed Him. And when He came to the place, He said to them, “Pray...
Sermon / Pr. David Haberstock / Wednesday Feb 24th 2016 - / Luke 22:63-23:25 / The Trial: A Place of God's Will
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. David Haberstock / Luke 22:63–23:25 / Lent Midweek Service Wednesday - The Trial: A Place of God’s Will Now the men who were holding Jesus in custody were mocking Him as they beat Him. They also blindfolded Him and kept asking Him, “Prophesy! Who is it...
Sermon / Wednesday Feb 17th 2016 - / Luke 22:14 - 38 / The Upper Room: A Place of Service
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Luke 22:14–38 / Lent Midweek Service Wednesday - The Upper Room: A Place of Service And when the hour came, [Jesus] reclined at table, and the apostles with Him. And He said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I...
The Light to the Nations - Epiphany Sermon / Wednesday January 6, 2016 / Guest Pastor David Haberstock of Grace Lutheran Church - Regina
Epiphany Service for WASCANA Circuit of Central District of Lutheran Church-Canada Wednesday January 6, 2016 / Preacher: Guest Pr. David Haberstock of Grace Lutheran Church in Regina Saskatchewan. Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-11, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 Arise, shine, for...
Sermon / Rev. Thomas Prachar President of the Central District of Lutheran Church-Canada / Sept 27th / Mark 9:38-50 / Whose Side Are You on Anyway?
Whose Side Are You on Anyway?: Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. President Thomas Prachar Central District Lutheran Church-Canada/ Mark 9:38-50 John said to [Jesus], “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But...
Sermon / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Sept 6th / Psalm 111 / Back to School
Back to School: Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Psalm 111 Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of...
Sermon / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / August 23rd / Mark 7:1-13 / Clean on The Inside & Outside
Clean on The Inside & Outside: Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Irwin Pudrycki / Mark Chapter 7 (Mark 7:1-13) Now when the Pharisees gathered to [Jesus], with some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem, they saw that some of His disciples ate with hands that were defiled, that...
Lenten Midweek Sermon \ Pastor Jeremy Swem \ March 18th, 2015
This is the Word of the Lord: Thanks Be to God, according to Isaiah the 49th Chapter verses 1 to 6. Listen to me, O coastlands, and give attention, you peoples from afar. The LORD called me from the womb, from the body of my mother He named my name. He made my mouth like a sharp sword; in...
Lenten Exchange Mid-Week Isaiah 44:1-5
This is the Word of the Lord: Thanks Be to God, according to Isaiah the 44th Chapter verses 1 to 5. “But now hear, O Jacob My servant, Israel whom I have chosen! Thus says the LORD who made you, who formed you from the womb and...