“While The Iron is Hot” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sermon January 21st 2024 – Jonah 3:1–5, 10; 1st Corinthians 7:29–35 & Mark 1:14–20
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 21st 2024: Season of Epiphany / Jonah 3:1–5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29–35; Mark 1:14–20 "While The Iron is Hot" Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled,...
Weekly Bulletin January 21st - Third Sunday in Epiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
William (Bill) Wendel Funeral Sermon – Matthew 28:16–20 January 20th 2024 / What is Life After Death Like?
William (Bill) Wendel Funeral Sermon - Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday January 20th 2024: Season of Epiphany / Matthew 28:16–20 "What is Life After Death Like?" Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when...
“Called out of Darkness to Speak” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sermon January 14th 2024 – 1st Samuel 3:1-20 & 1st Corinthians 6:12-20
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 14th 2024: Season of Epiphany / 1 Samuel 3:1-20 “Called out of Darkness to Speak” Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the LORD in the presence of Eli. And the word of the LORD was rare in those days; there was no...
Weekly Bulletin January 14th - Second Sunday in Epiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Lorraine Kathleen Paul Funeral Sermon – John 10:14-18, 27-30 January 13th 2024 / I am Jesus’ Little Lamb
Lorraine Kathleen Paul Funeral Sermon - Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Saturday January 13th 2024: Season of Epiphany / John 10:14-18, 27-30 “I am Jesus’ Little Lamb” [Jesus says] "I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me, just as the Father knows Me and...
Weekly Bulletin January 7th - The Baptism of Our Lord, First Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
“A World Without Sin” Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sermon January 7th 2024 - Mark 1:4-11 & Romans 6:1-11
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Monday January 7th 2024: Baptism of our Lord / Mark 1:4-11 & Romans 6:1-11 “A World Without Sin” John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and...
The Peak of Glory / Matthew 17:1–9 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 19th 2023 / Transfiguration Sunday / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday February 19th 2023: Transfiguration Sunday / Matthew 17:1–9 "The Peak of Glory" And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured...
Weekly Bulletin February 19th - The Seventh Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Obedience and freedom / Matthew 5:21-37 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday February 12th, 2023 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon February 12, 2023 Matthew 5:21-37; Psalm 119; Deuteronomy 30Theme: “Obedience and freedom”___________________________Intr – Do you like to obey? This is a word that, I think, sometimes sounds heavy in our ears. Reasons why don’t like this...
Weekly Bulletin February 12th - The Sixth Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
You are - Matthew 5:13-20 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday February 5th, 2023 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday February 5 2023 Sermon Mount Olive Lutheran SERMON NOTES - Listen to the audio for more Matthew 5:13-20Theme: “You are”___________________________Intr – In the Gospel today Jesus says: “You are”. Think about just those two words: You are. What...
Weekly Bulletin February 5th - The Fifth Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Believing - 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 / Pr. Lucas Andre Albrecht / Sunday January 29th 2023 / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Regina · Sunday Sermon January 29, 2023 SERMON NOTES - Listen to the audio for more 1 Corinthians 1:18-31Theme: “Believing”___________________________Intr – The streets taken by smart self-driving cars. Would anyone not believe it? I think very few people would...
Weekly Bulletin January 29th - The Fourth Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Caught in the Net / Matthew 4:12–25 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 22nd 2023 / Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 22nd 2023: Season of Epiphany / Matthew 4:12–25 "Caught in the Net" Now when [Jesus] heard that John had been arrested, He withdrew into Galilee. And leaving Nazareth He went and lived in Capernaum by the sea, in the territory...
Weekly Bulletin January 22nd - The Third Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...
Surprising words from John the Baptizer / John 1:29-42 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 15th 2023 / Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Surprising words from John the Baptizer / John 1:29-42 / Pr. Ted A. Giese / Sunday January 15th 2023 / Season of Epiphany / Mount Olive Lutheran Church The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of whom...
Weekly Bulletin January 15th - The Second Sunday of Ephiphany
COVID-19 Update Each Week Mount Olive produces a bulletin with information about upcoming events, activities, and opportunities around the church and circuit. To check this week’s bulletin, Click...