Pastor Ted Giese
Funeral Sermon For Helen Harlos / Friday November 14th 2014
Helen Edith Harlos Funeral Sermon / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Revelation 21:1-6 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down...
Funeral Sermon For Walter Huber / Thursday November 13th 2014
Walter Oscar Huber Funeral Sermon / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / John 14:1-7 / November 13th 2014 Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a...
Interstellar (2014) Directed by Christopher Nolan - Movie Review
Interstellar (2014) Directed by: Christopher Nolan Writers: Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan Stars: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Mackenzie Foy, Jessica Chastain, Ellen Burstyn, John Lithgow Run Time: 169 min Rated: PG (Canada) PG-13 (MPAA) for some intense perilous action...
O Lord - Be Not Far From Me - Psalm 38 Sermon From November Prayer Service
"O Lord - Be Not Far From Me" / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Wed November 5th 2014: Season of Pentecost, Psalm 38. O LORD, rebuke me not in Your anger, nor discipline me in Your wrath! For Your arrows have sunk...
Hope in Death - Asleep in Christ: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18
Hope in Death - Asleep in Christ: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 / Pastor Ted Giese / Mount Olive Lutheran Church But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since...
Called Children of God: All Saints Day (Observed) - 1 John 3:1-3 / Pastor Ted Giese
Called Children of God: All Saints Day (Observed) - 1 John 3:1-3 / Sunday November 2nd 2014 / Pastor Ted Giese See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know...
Fury (2014) Directed by David Ayer - Movie Review
Fury (2014) Directed by: David Ayer Writer: David Ayer Stars: Brad Pitt, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Peña, Jon Bernthal Run Time: 134 min Rated: 14A (Canada) R (MPAA) for strong sequences of war violence, some grisly images, and language throughout. Listen here for audio...
A Wedding Invitation - Thanksgiving: 18th Sunday After Pentecost - Matthew 22:1-14 / Pastor Ted Giese
A Wedding Invitation - Thanksgiving: 18th Sunday After Pentecost - Matthew 22:1-14 / Pastor Ted Giese And again Jesus spoke to them in parables, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited...
Annabelle (2014) Directed by John R. Leonetti - Movie Review
Annabelle (2014) Directed by: John R. Leonetti Writer: Gary Dauberman Stars: Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Tony Amendola, Alfre Woodward Run Time: 98 Min Rated: 14-A (Canada) R (MPAA) for intense sequences of disturbing violence and terror. Listen here for audio of radio interviews about...
The Maze Runner (2014) Directed by Wes Ball - Movie Review
The Maze Runner (2014) Directed by: Wes Ball Writers: Noah Oppenheim, Grant Pierce Myers, T.S. Nowlin (screenplay); James Dashner (book) Stars: Dylan O'Brien, Blake Cooper, Kaya Scodelario, Will Poulter, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee Run Time: 113 min Rated: PG (Canada)...
Fret Not - Rest In The LORD - Psalm 37 Sermon From October 2014 Prayer Service
"Fret Not - Rest In The LORD" / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Wed Oct 1st 2014: Season of Pentecost, Psalm 37. Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like...
Boyhood (2014) Directed by Richard Linklater - Movie Review
Boyhood (2014) Directed by: Richard Linklater Writer: Richard Linklater Stars: Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Lorelei Linklater Run Time: 165 Min Rated: PG (Canada), R (MPAA) for language including sexual references, and for teen drug and alcohol use. Listen here for audio...
Mercy Faithfulness Righteousness Justice - Psalm 36 Sermon From September 2014 Prayer Service
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Psalm 36 / Wednesday September 3rd 2014 / Season of Pentecost - Mercy Faithfulness Righteousness Justice Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in his heart; there is no fear...
Ghostbusters (1984) Directed by Ivan Reitman - Movie Review
Ghostbusters (1984) Directed by: Ivan Reitman Writers: Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis Stars: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts Run Time: 105 Min Rated: PG (Canada), PG (MPAA). Listen here for audio of radio interviews about films from...
The Cross - Jesus Comes into His Kingdom: Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Matthew 16:21-28 / Pastor Ted Giese
The Cross - Jesus Comes into His Kingdom: Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Matthew 16:21-28 / Pastor Ted Giese From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third...
Simon Bar-Jonah A Son of Faith: Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Matthew 16:13-20 / Pastor Ted Giese
Simon Bar-Jonah A Son of Faith: Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / August 24th 2014, The 11th Sunday After Pentecost, Matthew 16:13-20. Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” And they...
Seeking the Good of Your Littlest Neighbour (1 Corinthians 10:23-24) - Family & Movies
Listen here for audio of radio interviews about films from a Christian perspective with Pastors Ted Giese and Todd Wilken on where Christianity meets culture. “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. Let no...
Prayer for the Persecuted Church - Psalm 35 Sermon From August 2014 Prayer Service
Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Psalm 35 / Wed August 6th 2014 / Season of Pentecost A Prayer from David - a Prayer for the Persecuted Church: Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me!...
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) Directed by James Gunn - Movie Review
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) Directed by: James Gunn Writer: James Gunn, Nicole Perlman, Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning Stars: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Benicio Del Toro, Lee Pace Run Time: 121 min. Rated: PG (Canada) PG-13 (MPAA) for intense...
Funeral Sermon for Madeline Sandoff / Saturday August 2nd 2014
Funeral Sermon for Madeline Sandoff / Mount Olive Lutheran Church / Rev. Ted A. Giese / Luke 15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear Him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” So [Jesus] told them...