April 22nd, 2023
Some photos from our 70th Anniversary Mission Fest held in conjunction with the Malabar Mission Society Board meetings and Fundraiser Supper.
With presentations from LAMPMinistry; Lutheran Church Canada, Canadian Lutheran World Relief; Chaplain Dong Joo Kim Regina / Moose Jaw Police Service Chaplaincy and Street Reach Mission and members of Mount Olive and the Congregational Society of the LWMLC (Lutheran Women Canada).
A Wonderful day to contemplate and celebrate the humanitarian aid and mission work the Lord has accomplished by His grace through our Congregation and it's members.
MISSION FEST 2023 - SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND - 1:00pm-5:00pm
The Mission fest is an event to present different Missionary efforts done in the past and in the present. They areboth from Mount Olive and from the Church at large. Come spend the afternoon with us learning more about ways in which the Gospel of Jesus reaches glocally (Globally and Locally).
As an extra treat for our 70th Anniversary, we will have Rev. Greg Heidorn, Malabar Mission Society Board Member and former Vicar here at Mount Olive as our guest preacher on Sunday, April 23rd, 9 and 11am.
The Mission Fest will include the following:
* Missionary Randy Heide of LAMP (Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pastors);
* Mrs. Carol Rein providing an overview of Mount Olive Lutheran Church’s community care, outreach and missions: past, present;
* Mount Olive Society of Lutherans Women’s Missionary League - Canada(LWML-C), 65 years of gospel outreach and care: local, national & international;
* Remarks from Lutheran Church Canada Mission Executive Mark Smith presented by Central Region Regional Pastor David Haberstock;
* Executive Director Karin Achtelstetter of CLWR (Canadian Lutheran World Relief) and the missionary work around the World;
* Chaplain Dong Joo Kim Regina / Moose Jaw Police Service Chaplaincy and Street Reach Mission;
*Malabar Missions Society Annual General Meeting;
* Malabar Mission Society 30th Anniversary Banquet including an overview of the past 30 years of their humanitarian aid and missions work in India.(For info about tickets, please call the office)