The 70th Anniversary - 2023 / Garage Sale - June 24


We had a special day on Saturday June 24th. People were already lined up before 8am at the Church door to check out our amazing items. Then from 8am to 2pm we saw 3/4 of everything we had vanishing in front of our eyes. We saw also many happy buyers with their hands full of everything good, nice and special from our 70th Anniversary Garage Sale.

We want to extend our Thank You from the bottom of our heart to everyone who helped in the event! It goes to all those who donated items, unpacked and sorted items, helped the day of the sale and helped clean up after and delivered the leftover items to other organizations. We appreciate everyone's time and effort. We brought in just over $2,500 to date, with more donations still to come. These funds will be put to our Roof Repair Fund.

The 1/4 leftover items have already departed from our Church building, donated to institutions that will make a good use of them.







Saturday, June 24, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Mount Olive is having a 70th Anniversary Spring cleaning and we hope you’ll help, too. The month of May found many a volunteer going through the church’s crooks and crannies looking for useful but unused items. Now, we’re asking you to go through your house and garage to add items to our sale. Donations can be dropped off in the coat rack area by the north door, during office hours, or on Sunday mornings. For information call, Goldie-Anne Engel, 306-757-2080. 

Please note: no clothing, bedding or towels. These items will be accepted for the clothing give away later in the year. Thank you!

Proceeds from the sale will go towards the Mount Olive Roof Fund.