BACH ORGAN CONCERT at Mount Olive kicks off 70th Anniversary Celebration
The Bach Organ Concert was the first event in ourFestivities of our 70th Anniversary. The musical event happened on Saturday, February 18th, 2:00PM.
Rev. Paulo Brum, Master of Music and Pastor at New Beginnings Lutheran in Regina brought and international class concert featuring some of Bach’s most known works. The set list included the “Aria of the 4th String” adapted for Organ, “Tocatta in D Minor”, and a Brazilian seasoning to Bach with the “Toccatina for Flutes”. Towards the end of the Concert, the Choirs from Mount Olive and New Beginnings Lutheran, conducted by Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht performed three pieces with Bach arrangements, accompanied by Rev. Brum at the Organ: “Jesus, Joy of man’s desire”, “Wake, awake the night is flying” and “A mighty fortress”. The MC of the event was Mr. Rod Gellner.
The attendance for the afternoon was around 200 people, and many words of congratulations were shared with Musician Rev. Paulo Brum, the Choirs of both congregations, and the 70th Anniversary Committee.
The BACH CONCERT – Mount Olive 70th Anniversary
The Bach Concert - Mount Olive 70th Anniversary is an organ Concert of Bach's Selected Works is being hosted by Mount Olive Lutheran Church on Saturday, February 18th, at 2:00 pm.
The Concert will present conductor and Musician Paulo Brum, Master in Music and Pastor at New Beginnings Lutheran Church in Regina. He will play some of Johann Sebastian Bach's Works for organ, and the Choirs from New Beginnings Lutheran and Mount Olive Lutheran will join him in singing three hymns with Bach's harmony. The concert is the opening event of the celebration of Mount Olive's 70th Anniversary in 2023.
No ticket for admission is required, the Concert is open to the whole community. Mount Olive Lutheran Church is located at 2015 4th Avenue North, Regina.
Reverend Paulo Cesar Fernandes Brum, M.Mus, S.T.M.
Our guest organist is Conductor and Musician Paulo Cesar Fernandes Brum, Pastor at New Beginnings Lutheran Church.
Paulo Brum is a Master of Music in Pipe Organ from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul’s Music Graduate Program, having had as his advisor/supervisor Professor Dr. Any Raquel Carvalho. He also holds an STM degree (Sacred Theology Master) from Concordia Seminary, Sao Leopoldo, with a focus on hymnology. Prior to that, he acquired a Bachelor of Music (in Conducting and Composing) from The Federal University of Brazil and Bachelor of Theology from Concordia Seminary and Ulbra - The Lutheran University of Brazil.
Rev. Brum is currently the Pastor of New Beginnings Lutheran Church in Regina. Before coming to Canada he served as Campus Pastor and Master of Chapel, with emphasis on projects dealing with educational, historic, confessional and contemporary music. He was also a Professor in the Education and Theology Faculties at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA).
The Mount Olive and New Beginnings Choirs
Our guest singers are from the Mount Olive and New Beginnings’ Choirs, conducted by Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht. The Choirs connect members and other volunteers in singing praises to the Lord and sharing his Word through music, with a repertoire ranging from Baroque and Classic to contemporary hymns and songs.

Bach is considered by many experts as the 5th Evangelist since he massively helped to propagate the Biblical Gospel through his musical art and culture using his wide range of compositions. In this celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation he is remembered as an important character and contributor to Lutheran and Protestant history and confession.
Bach was a German musician, composer and organist born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21, 1685 and died in 1750. He was a descendant of a family of well-known Lutheran musicians in Thuringia, Central part of Germany. As master of the chapel of Weimar he composed virtuosistic works for organ, but was also censored by the city council for its strong temperament and for its compositions to be considered too much "flowery" and aggressive to the taste of the time. In Leipizg Bach had to act as a professional responsible for Latin classes at the School and for the songs of the church of St. Thomas. There he composed most of his cantatas - counting more than two hundred. Bach was responsible for compositions that became Western’s artistic patrimony: "Passion According to St. Matthew", "Concerts of Brandenburg", "The Well Tempered Clavier"; the cantatas: "Goldberg Variations", "Concerts for String", oratories; "The Great Mass" and the "Art of Fugue" - this one composed at the end of the life when he was already blind.
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