Morning Prayer Service For April

Morning Prayer Service For April

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

Morning Prayer Service For April


All are welcome to attend:


Each Month Mount Olive has a Morning Prayer Service on the Third Wednesday of the month; This is a small intimate Service of Devotion and Holy Communion.


Regular Features of this Service include: the order of Morning Prayer (Lutheran Service Book Page 235), a devotional reading in place of a Sermon, and Holy Communion. Following the Service Holy Communion is delivered to those who are Shut-ins within the Mount Olive congregational family.


Are you in need of prayer, are you in need of some extra prayer in your life, do Sunday mornings not work well for you because of work? Then this early morning Service is for you.


Prayer requests can be called/e-mailed to Pastor Terry Defoe or called/emailed into the church office. Blessings on your devotional life and your study of God’s Word. 
