Advent Carolling

Advent Carolling

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

CHRISTMAS CAROLLING: An evening of singing Christmas Carols for and with our
Mount Olive shut-ins is planned for Wednesday, December 4th. We will gather at Mount
Olive at 5:45pm for a brief devotion before we disperse to the selected locations at 6pm.
Following the sharing of music and Christmas greetings we will reconvene in the fellowship
centre for refreshments.
• Please make this event a Christmas priority and bring family and friends along so we
can bring Christmas joy to our shut-in members and those that reside with them and
their caretakers.
• Please sign up on the Sign-up Sheet posted in the Narthex. To assist with planning for
locations and refreshments please note the deadline to sign up is Sun, November 24th.
• Singing talent not required.
