Pastor's Class

Lutheran Pastors Class
At various times throughout the year, Pastor’s Classes are offered at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. These classes are taught by Pastor Giese. Classes normally consist of 6 lessons over a period of several weeks.

These classes will be of interest to individuals who are new to the Lutheran church and to its teachings. These classes provide a detailed understanding of Lutheran Christianity. At the conclusion of the class, individuals may become members of Mount Olive, should they so choose.

These classes will also be of interest to those who have been members of Mount Olive for a while, and want a "Refresher Course” in the basics of the faith. Attendance at a Pastor's Class is also part of the premarital preparation of individuals who have not been confirmed in the Lutheran Church.

Course sessions cover topics such as:

  1. The Ten Commandments
  2. The Creed
  3. The Lord's Prayer
  4. The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
  5. Confession
  6. The Sacrament of the Altar (Holy Communion)
  7. Daily Prayer

For more information, please contact our Administrative Assistant, at the church office at  306-543-9744.