LWMLC Central District Convention

LWMLC Central District Convention

Dryden, Ontario

LWMLC Central District is holding their convention in Dryden, Ontario on June 3-5. This year the “Ingathering” is accepting the following: Gift cards from Safeway or Sobey’s for the Dryden Food Bank, and a canned food item (check expiry dates); Gift cards from  Walmart or Canadian Tire for the Transition House; Emergency toiletry kits for the hospital and shelter (toothbrush/paste, comb, travel-sized shampoo/conditioner, unscented bar of soap); Men’s/women’s/children’s socks and slippers.  Anyone interested in donating to this is welcome to do so. You can give any of these items to any of our members by the end of May, and those who are attending the convention will deliver it.

