Blog / Book of the Month / Sunday School Parent Connection: Jan. 19, 2014

Sunday School Parent Connection: Jan. 19, 2014

Posted in Children / Sunday School

Sunday School Parent Connection:  Jan. 19, 2014


Today in Sunday School, we reviewed what we know about John the Baptist from Matthew 3:1–12. As John pointed to Jesus as the Lamb of God, so our pastors point us to this same Jesus, who grants us forgiveness, life, and salvation.  Ask your children what they learned about John, what he ate (locusts & wild honey) and how he dressed.
 Pastor Terry showed us a heart-breaking video about a destitute blind dog named Fiona, who was starving and rescued from a dumpster.  Just as Fiona was rescued, cleaned up, fed, showered with love and a blessed with a family home; so, too, does Jesus welcome us into the Family of God when we are broken.  It was a touching story that the kids are sure to remember.

As we continued with our lesson on Sunday, we discussed the topic of lying (Commandment #8).  What child has not struggled with telling the truth?  As a group, we discussed sin with an ice cream demonstration and why covering up poor choices (sin) with lies (chocolate syrup, in this case) does not help our case.  We all make mistakes and by admitting the truth and asking for forgiveness, we are able to wipe our plate clean and start over!  By the Grace of God, forgiveness is always there for us when we repent of our sins.
See you next Sunday!
